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The morgue was about a minute's walk from the nurse's Call station. Yes, I insisted on seeing Dozie's dead body for my mental preservation. I couldn't come to terms with his crimes.

Nurse Dima was surprised that I hadn't wavered in my resolve to see his body. It was the only way to be sure he was now a confirmed ghost. The morgue attendance didn't put up much resistance. Immediately he saw us, he just let us in.

His ashen colour, coupled with his bland creepy face was sure evidence that he was dancing to the rhythm of the spirits. It sure looked like whatsoever punishment handed to him over there was way worse than what he'd done to people over here. I walked closer to his bullet-ripped face and took his cold arm.

"What are you doing?" Nurse Dima asked, moving closer to me.

I scoffed and moved my hand to his wrist. "Making sure he's dead."

A chuckle escaped the morgue attendant's mouth. I shot him a glance and resumed being a nurse for a second.

"Oh, okay." She mused and waited for me to finish my experiment.
After I checked his pulse and felt nothing. I went ahead to count the rise of his chest, but it was as still as a rock. His whole body was just as cold as ice.

I swallowed hard. My emotions were all over the place, but a few tears made it out of my eyes and I brushed them off immediately.

Nurse Dima gently nudged me and ran her right palm over my shoulders. "He's gone now. He's gone."

I took a quick breath, hoping to keep my emotions at bay. "Dozie, may you never rest in peace."

With that, I walked out of that place and waited for nurse Dima to follow. A few minutes later we were headed to the room assigned to Mercy and me.

"Linda?" She called. "Are you going to be okay?"

I didn't lift my head, I simply nodded. "Yes, I guess so. Just that there are many more Dozies out there. Mama's army seems to be as huge as that of the Philistine with many Goliaths everywhere."

"Hey, don't say that. The good guys always win."

I sucked my teeth and stopped walking. "You don't understand, new revelations about Mama were quite terrifying and honestly, I just didn't know where to start."

She nodded, agreeing with me. "But let's wait and see what the police say."

"Police is not our friend!" I scoffed, pulling my right ear to emphasize my distrust.

"Let's just be patient." She insisted.

Mercy and I were assigned to a room farther from the nurse's station and closer to the end of the hallway. Most of the renovations for the hospital were done and normal working hours had resumed.

We got numerous Police interrogations weekly and at first, everything went smoothly until they began losing our interview files. The new person claimed the previous officer lost them.

This continued for a couple of weeks. Then they sent a different batch of officers who were not interested in the case but were busy pushing us to lie about the events of that night.

We used that same opportunity to tell Nurse Dima everything we knew about Mama and her gang. We even told her how to locate them, even when I wasn't sure. But it was a start.

For some reason, this ruffled a lot of feathers hence the change of officers. To me, I would've preferred to zip my mouth but It was her idea we opened up a little to the officers and the result hadn't been favorable. It got to a point that Some of them were demanding personal payout to carry out the investigation.

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