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Thump the sound of your footsteps on the hard ground walking towards the tribe square where your mother was with your siblings the chattering in the area was very loud as to the importance of tonight you kept walking from where surrounding people gathered buying wheat bread and fruits.

You held onto your book and basket of herds from the nearby forest that held neatly near your hips swaying by your side as you nearly bumped into one of your tribe males while being in thought you gave an apologetic smile and continued walking hoping that he wouldn't mind.

"Finally I can see the square please let mom be there," you silently thought with a tensed smile as you entered you looked around hoping you would see your mother your eyes finally spotted her in the distance you sighed happy that you had seen her and walked towards her as you got closer tho you spotted a male your eyes grew with curiosity as to who the male was.

Your dark pupils scanning the male as you got closer "he's very tall thats for sure," you said to yourself as you were quite near your mother "mom! Are you alright," you shouted she turned around and as she saw you she smiled "oh yes darling, this gentleman here was helping me bring some of your father's fish from the docks," she said to you smiling sweetly gesturing to the male "Oh, then nice to meet you mister," you said giving him a smile.

"And thank you for helping my mother," you said bowing. "Oh don't worry dear it's quite refreshing to be near the waters these days," the man said as he spoke to you, you could see him more clearly now he had orange hair and teal blue eyes he was also wearing a cloak and gloves "interesting," you thought.

"Well I best be leaving then," he said wiping of his gloves "oh then do take care," your mother said as he turned around "I will have a good day ma'am" he said walking off towards where the farming stalls stood being very crowded you turned towards your mother she looked at you and smiled "you better find a man like that," she said pinching your nose playfully you became flustered at your mothers words "Mom!," you said red in the face she laughed as she took the basket from you and placed it by your families fishing stall.

"Didn't you say you were going to the library to give that children's book back," she said eyeing the book and then looking back at you "first It's not a children's book and second I thought you'd want some help," you said while rolling your eyes and smiling "ha I may look old but I'm as strong as you youngsters," she said placing the large carton of fish in the back of the stall "and plus I have your older brother too help don't I so go ahead and take the book back and have fun," she said as you opened your mouth to say something she simply shushed you "you on now," she said smiling you sighed defeated and smiled as you walked away.

As you were a mile away you heard your mother's voice shouting for your brother's lazy ass to get over here you sweat dropped knowing that he was probably embarrassed and giggled at the thought as you turned the corner the small building come to your sight making your e/c eyes jump with excitement.

Your grip tightened on the book you checked making sure the book looked good as new the ding of the bell as you entered a cold yet gentle breeze waved passed you your h/c hair swaying as you walked towards the familiar librarian "here to read another fairytale book I see," the small brunette said her tired sage eyes gazing at the book "no not today Inoshi," you said smiling at your tired friend she yawned listening to your voice "well that's new," she giggled "anyways the library's not closing early today so read as much as you want bookworm," her tired voiced stated you simply gave her nod "your talking aren't you the librarian," you said to yourself as you walked away "Hey! I heard that!," she said loudly but got shushed by everyone in the library leaving her embarrassed and red in the face and on the tips of her sharp ears.

You jolted surprised at her outburst but giggled as you saw her face "cute," you thought to yourself as you walked towards the towers of books you walked into the herds and healing section climbing onto one of the ladders and taking down a bunch of books on healing and placed them on the nearby empty table quietly taking a empty book to record your notes from the shelves and started working.

You looked at the clock seeing the time you bolted up  making your chair drop behind you "shoot," you said silently looking around you picked up your notebook from off the desk and bolted out of the library seeing Inoshi's smug smirk as she saw you, you groaned internally as you sped down the street with your book in hand passing people dressed up in beautiful tribal clothing internally cursing yourself you ran as fast as you could down your neighborhood and finally saw your house you ran straight for it panting as you stopped at the door you quickly opened it.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," you said panting "well at least you came," your older sister laughed at you as you walked into the living room "Manako leave your sister alone!," your mother shouted your sister angrily started mumbling under breath "come on honey go upstairs and put your clothes on," your father hurried you up the stairs you ran into your run taking off your normal clothing and putting on black tights like underwear and tying a white clothe on your hip you placed on a black bra with a pretty blue gem in the middle your torso exposed a clear clothe over your shoulders held by the chain on your neck.

You rushed downstairs to your family your father gasped "darling you look beautiful," he said gazing at you "don't you think it's a bit to um revealing," your brother said looking at you "no it's not plus ni-Chan looks wonderful," your little brother said hugging you left s/c leg "thank you chiho,"you said brushing his black hair "whatever," your brother said "itakashi behave yourself," your mother smacked your brother behind his head "ow," he groaned.

"Y/n darling you look wonderful," your mother said holding your cheek smiling "Ketto get the jewelries," your mother said turning to your father he jolted and hastily turned around nearly falling "alright dear," he said your sister giggled and so did your older brother as your father walked back in with a beautiful jewelry box your mother took out a golden arm piece and placed it on you arm near your shoulder she also took out a bead necklace with such vibrant colors it looked like gem your father placed a crowned of white feathers with tips of red feather with a gem in the middle of it on your head softly as your mother painted stripes and circles of dark red on your s/c face.

They stepped back your e/c eyes twinkled as you saw yourself "you look so beautiful ni-Chan," chiho said as he held your hand.

"You look awesome y/n," Minako said ruffling your h/c hair "yeah not bad little sis," itakashi said as he fixed his headpiece" alright enough gazing around everyone let's head out to the festival," your mother said practically shoving everyone out of the house.

"Alright I'm moving," Manako said putting her hand on her covered hip "you don't need to push me you know and I don't need to listen to you anymore," itakashi said "why you little-," your mother said as your father tried the calm her down.

Chiho giggled as he held your hand as the two of you watched you family members "I hope tonight will
be a night to remember," he said smiling one of his front tooth missing "I can't wait to see you dance
ni-chan," he said as you placed his headpiece right
"I pretty nervous but I can't wait," you said as you walked towards town square holding his small white hand.


"I have returned" author ✍️

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