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You woke up to a strange prickly sensation in your shoulder the floor felt warm and your body cold your eyes opened blurry at first to your surroundings you felt very lightheaded it was like everything was a dream but you were dead wrong it was all reality.

As your sight came too you were in what seemed like a tent a very large tent the texture seemed like fur as your hand felt the wall of the tent but you sat on something rough and tough the floor was a dark type wood you looked closely at the all the walls of the tent the ruby colored walls brightened as the sun glistened inside.

Your whole body felt quite numb as you tried standing up you felt weak and weary your eyes finally traveled on your surroundings there was a bed on right side of the tent it had piles of furs and pillows that decorated it and a fluffy carpet under it and two dark wood beside tables that held fire lanterns on the left side of the tent were a desk organized with papers,inks and maps with a small stool near it there was a large drawer also a large closet and a coat hanger you walked around observing everything near the bed was a oak chest you turned to where you sat there was a large changing curtain and a large throne like chair it was wooden and had a set of different dark red imprinted on it and a soft red bottom.

You keep staring at the place you woke up in when suddenly you felt a presence behind you, you jumped startled when a large hand was placed on your shoulder you quickly turned shoving the hand off of you and stepping back.

Your eyes quickly meet with the stranger's "hey,hey calm down,"the red headed man said putting his hands up "who are you and where am I," you said as you backed up a little "I'm kirishima eijiro and your in our tribe," kirishima said your eyes slowly glanced up he had two red horns shooting from his head you glanced down and a tail "Oh yeah I'm a dragon well half of one kinda," he said scratching the back of his neck.

As you stepped back once again trying to get distance between you and the dragon you lost your
balance and fell to the ground with a loud thud "are you alright you should be more careful you know with that wound and all you lost a lot of blood last night," kirishima said rushing to your aid and helping you up "would you like something to eat or drink," he said as you stood up you could simply nod you felt weak and was starving he sat you on the bed.

"You can't go out now but I'll go get some food and water," he said quickly exiting the tent "but why?," you said which made him stop in his tracks "because bakugo said not to," he mumbled under his breath as he left his footsteps faded as he went further you sat on the bed confused your hand traveled to your shoulder it was bandaged you shivered as you felt the pain.

Your mind slowly going into thought as you remembered all the things that happened that night "I wonder if chiho and mom are alright," you thought "chiho," you said quietly a picture of your brother came to you as you shifted to a different part of the bed you felt a rough structure poking your hip your hand slid into your pocket as you pulled out the structure it was the box chiho had gifted you that night.

It was a pretty pink color and engraved with green vines and a white wolf painted on it you slowly opened it to hear a swooning melody it was a music box the music drowned out everything you couldn't even hear the large footsteps heading your way moving the clothe out of the way and entering.

You snapped out of the your thoughts in an instant shoving the box in your pocket "maybe it's the dragon ma-," your thought cut short as the smell of blood leaked the man's body your eyes widen as you made eye contact as you slowly backed away your back hitting the head board of the bed his crimson eyes never leaving yours.

He scoffed as he walked over to the drawers grabbing a white rag digging it into the bucket of water he brought with him the silence of the both of you brought a thick air of awkwardness as you watched his movements wiping of the blood off his body your eyes staring at his back he was really muscular and well built and fit your eyes turned to the furry cape the hanged on the coat hanger and went back to the ashy blond hair barbarian.

You watched as the tensed blonde wiped the blood of your people off his body he twitched angrily as he couldn't reach a part of his back that had a large splatter of blood.

It had been a minute since he kept trying to wipe the blood off you could feel his anger temper rising as the place got more heated the silence making it more hot you wondered to yourself as to if the red headed male would appear the blond male kept on trying to reach the spot groaning to himself you couldn't keep looking at the male struggling you got up hesitantly walking over to him.

You could tell he felt your presence approaching "what do you want," he said side glancing at you your head turned to the side you could still feel his crimson eyes glaring in the side of your head you pointed at the light red rag he held in his hand "I don't need your help," he said as his grip tighten on the rag.

"I don't-  just give me the rag," you said in a shaky calm voice as you turned towards him not expecting him to hand it to you but surprisingly he held his hand out towards you sighing the rag gently resting on it.

"Just do it fast I don't want to stay here any longer," he said his head turning the other direction keeping no eye contact with you as you picked up the rag up your s/c fingers brushed his hand you crouched down placing the rag into the red-ish water and wringed it out releasing the water as you walked behind him wiping off the the blood the air felt a little more calmer and more comfortable as you both stayed there in silence.

"Hey miss I'm back with some food," the red haired male said entering the large tent as his head turned his eyes widened as they spotted the blond male "oh bakugo your here it seemed like you two were having a moment should I leave," the red haired male said laughing a bit as he placed the bowl on the bedside table.

"Bakugo, huh is that his name," you thought to yourself as you slowly got up but was unfortunately pushed out of the way which sent you flat on your butt "ow that hurt," you said internally "shut the hell up shitty hair and get the hell outta my tent," the barbarian said as he shoved passed the red head  exiting the tent the dragon frowned at the barbarian's movements "what a jerk," you said to yourself quietly as the red head walked over to you and helped you up.

"Thank you um kirashkama," you said as you tried remembering his name "it's kirishima and don't worry about it," he said giving you sharp toothed smile "sorry about bakugo he's seems to be in a bad mood even tho he's usually like this," kirishima said mumbling at the last part.

You moved away from kirishima and closer to the bed you felt weak still and you didn't trust the red head he noticed your movements and frowned a little "well I would do the same if I was in you conditions," he said to himself "well um miss I'll be leaving please now please enjoy the meal and forgive bakugo," he said heading to the tents exit moving the clothe and leaving.

You sat on the bed and placed your hand on your head you looked over to the bedside table and moved towards it the wooden bowl steaming you looked into it as you brought it closer to you.

The soup was a beet red it was thick and had small chunks of a unknown cooked meat and a couple of vegetables you picked up the wooden spoon that was laid on the table placing it into the soup as the liquid dripped off the wooden spoon as you pulled it out of the soup and into your mouth.

"It's a little spicy but it's warm and nice," you said to yourself you felt refreshed and better as a hot puff of steam was released from you mouth enjoying every last slurp of the weird soup as another large puff of steam came from your mouth after finishing the soup.

Sweat dripped from your face as you drank the water that was left in the wooden cup for you it cooled you down as you wiped the sweat away yawning placing the cup on the bedside table near the bowl.

Dropping yourself deeper into the piles of fur and pillows you placed your hand into the pocket you shoved the music box in opening it and placing in near the beside table where you laid your eyes tiredly dropping as the sound of the box ran in your head slowly tears dripped down your cheeks you missed your mother and felt like an prisoner here you wanted to go home the sound of the the outside world died as you gave in and fell a sleep silently.


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