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Days slowly passed the wind rushing through the leaves of the nearby trees rustling swaying their leaves your steps quickened as you carried a bucket of water in you arms towards bakugo's hut a calm look plastered on your face you looked at the far mountains it was turning pink.

You stopped and stared at it for a few seconds "pretty," you thought to yourself mesmerized at the scene that was bestowed upon you the lanterns slowly turning on a few of the merchants stared at you intensely which made you a bit startled as you walked towards bakugo's hut you opened the door entering it.

The sleeping barbarian resting on his bed he was still unconscious it had been a few days since the small incident you had been doing your own things since then trying to ignore bakugo and everyone but you did have to check up on him once in a while since you promised the dragon who which you haven't seen since your last interaction.

It confused and worried you even tho you tried to shake the feeling off you needed to try not getting attached to anyone of these people they acted as if the night they raided and burnt your tribe never happened it infuriated you but sometimes this place was better than back home you frowned remembering the girls of your tribe laughing at you.

You sighed pushing your mixed feelings aside as you passed the barbarian's bed and entered the kitchen you turned the lantern on smiling a bit as you placed the bucket of water down you opened the cabinet above you tiptoeing as you tried reaching the small clay pot slowly and carefully bringing it down and resting it on the bark counter you walked over to large cupboard.

There were a bunch of spices in painted jars herds tied together organized well there were a bunch of vegetables and other things you recognized and didn't, the smells of meat caught your attention how could it smell fresh yet stayed in a place like this.

It puzzled you a bit as you took out a bit of green onions,garlic chives,cabbage,bean sprouts and "tofu!," you said to yourself happily it had been a long time since you had eaten tofu you jumped around excitedly with it in your hand you placed it on the counter and placed both of your hand on your hips and let a puff of breath out smiling "tonight I'll make the best hot pot anyones ever eaten," you thought getting simmered up for some reason the thought of you eating tofu for the first time in years brought you happiness.

You scouted some more in the large cupboard a container caught your attention it was this pretty color dark blue you reached for it bringing it down suspicious "hm what's this,"you thought, slowly opening it a lovely smell rosed from it "leftover curry and dumplings !," you thought basically drooling "it'll be a waste if they went bad plus they'll taste so good in the hot pot," you said nodding in acceptance as you placed the container on the counter.

You organized all your ingredients ready you took two pinecones and rubbed them together soon they started lighting you threw them on the firewood and blew as you watched the magic happen it soon lighted a large fire you placed the clay pot on top pouring a bit of the water in, and it started bubbling you poured the curry into it throwing a spoon of crushed chilly powder you found in the cupboard you placed another pot on the counter cutting up all the vegetables into the pot placing the dumplings on the sides of the circular pot and placing the slices of tofu in the middle and on the ends on top of the dumplings the chilly powder and the curry became paste as you mixed chilly sauce and peanut paste which you also found in bakugo's cupboard and placed a large gulp on top of it.

You poured water into the pot and placed it on top of the fire covering it with the clay cover you sighed happily you enjoyed cooking very very much you cleaned up and afterwards did a little stretch as the pot boiled away you walked out of the kitchen and over to bakugo removing the wet towel from his head you stared at him his face was calm his stomach moving to his breathing his markings were more visible now he was only wearing pants bandages wrapped around his arms and one on his head and his necklace rested on his chest.

It felt rather strange seeing him like this even tho you rarely saw him around when he was conscious it was quite weird you wetted the towel again and placed it back on his head you sat down in his chair and took the book you had found in the hut off the table near the bed.

Near an hour had passed by and you outed the fire the hot pot was ready you took off the cover using a towel the smell filled the room "it smell so good," you thought smiling you left it to cool down a little and poured yourself a bowl you took it out the kitchen and sat on the chair "thank you for this meal," you said to yourself you took a spoonful and placed it into your mouth "hot hot hot!," you thought blowing the spoon "but it taste so good," you said holding your cheek as you ate you moaned at the taste puffing a bit of steam.

You looked at bakugo as you placed the bowl down he was probably starving you felt bad for using his things you didn't really care for him you just felt bad for using his stuff you went into the kitchen and poured some of the soup and a bit of the tofu they were soft and seemed easy for him to eat in his state.

You walked out of the kitchen and over to bakugo you placed the bowl on the table near you raised his head his mouth was slightly opened you took a spoonful and cooled it down placing it inside his mouth you expected him to not swallow but instead he did.

A minute later the soup was finished you wiped the sweat off the sides of his forehead you tiredly slumped into the chair pulling the covers over bakugo's body's and a bit on yours the day had tired you out your eyes felt heavy as you slowly fell asleep.

In the dead of the night bakugo shuffled in his sleep he grunted breathing heavily he was having a panic attack or so it looked like you woke tiredly you didn't know what to do so you brought your chair closer to him mindlessly resting your head on his chest to you he was a pillow he stopped moving eventually his breath slowly going back to normal he admitted warmth you couldn't help but snuggle closer.

You would probably soon regret your decision when you woke up but for now all you could think about was sleep.


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