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The bright light's vibrant colors kissed the people of your tribe the lovely sound of banjos, wooden drums and tambourines danced and swayed in the wind.

Chiho held your hand bringing it back and forth as you both walked into the square the place was very much crowded you turned around with chiho your two other siblings gone but you spotted your mother and father who were seated by a small traditional food stand sipping on sea grape wine.

You felt a small tap on your thigh you looked at chiho his handsome features seemed jumpy you crouched down hands your knees as you stood on your toes "what's wrong?," you said your e/c gems staring into his.

"It's nothing serious but I wanted to give you something," he said his small pale hands tucked into the white sack bag that held by his side he dug deep down getting frustrated as he didn't find the thing finally you saw that his e/c eyes shot as he finally found it.

A small Sakura cheery tree box he held it towards you "I-I made this for you," he stuttered his hands shaking your e/c eyes glanced at the box then at him you rested your hands onto his "it's so beautiful chiho i love it," you said a wide smile on your face.

He jumped around happily as you held the small box in your s/c hands his fingers bawled up and held to his chin as he spun himself around "really I thought you wouldn't like it," he said excitedly.

The wide smile still spread on your face as you giggled at your little brother's movements "come on let's get something to eat," you said reaching for his hand and held it as you both walked over towards where most of the people were gathered spotting a small stall sharing out food you sat chiho down as you walked over towards it.

"Oh y/n you look so beautiful," mrs mihwang handed you bowl of rice and fired mushrooms seasoned with pepper,herds and salt you thanked her for the food and for her lovely complement with a thankful smile.

As you turned towards where you sat chiho down he wasn't there anymore you panicked as you looked around nervously your eyes finally settled on the ravened haired boy playing with his friend you let out a puff of relief "I'm not hungry anymore," you said quietly to yourself.

In the corner of your eyes you spotted a group of nomads you silently walked over to them asking if they wanted anything to eat as you handed them the bowl of rice and mushrooms which they happily accepted hungrily they thanked you as they gobbled up the food.

A few snickers came from behind you as you walked away you turned a little seeing a few of the girls laughing at you, you silently turned as you were about to walk off a large hand held you by the wrist.

You turned your head and looked up the tribe second in command you pulled your wrist away from him from the sudden interaction "I'm so sorry," he apologized as his hand stiffened in the air "I just wanted to say that the dance is about to start so you should go and get ready," he said giving you an apologetic smile pointing to the band of people getting ready for the dance.

You apologized for your sudden movements and thanked him you walked quickly towards the large group of girls that were surrounded near the large stone stage.

"Y/n over here!," a shout called your name you turned to see one of your higher ups walking over towards you with two small servants by her side "there you are," she said relieved she held your face turning it left to right then she snapped her fingers.

One of the small girls by her side held small containers of red and pink lipsticks came to you she was quite small you bent down she took a small clean cloth and spread it the soft pink solid on your lips the next went to your back and tied a longer cloth around your waist hiding your thighs and knees then finally one added the flower of the water's in your h/c hair.

"Ah now you look more appropriate," the woman said as she looked at you with astonishment "alright stand up and get in line with the rest of the girls," she said as you stood up "thank you," you said to her servants and her as you hurried towards the rest of the tribe girls.

As all of you walked onto the large stand you were pushed to the front nervous now that it seemed all eyes were on you.

The shacking of the maracas, tambourines and banging of the wooden drums and bangos waved in the air as you and the rest of the girls started dancing shacking your hips to the music and twirling  and stepping back.

As the music came to a close one of the guards came running in screaming for everybody get there weapons and evacuate he was bleeding and limping as his family came rushing over to his aid a load roar of anger came from where the guard ran from the large footsteps making the ground shake as it got closer.

It was a large red vermilion beast a dragon it's sharp eyes stared at your tribe the smell of blood leaked as more men came bows,swords and spears held by their sides blood painted there skins your chief ran up to the dragon looking up at it.

You slowly glanced up to scared to move most of the girls hiding behind each other trembling but for some reason you weren't your were just stiff your eyes widen as they hit the rider of the beast who seemed like their leader he sat upon the beast his crimson red eyes staring at your tribe people as his ashy blonde hair moved in the wind.

"What do you want with my tribe," he said his voice shacking and cracking as he spook "you know what I want and don't act so innocent you scum!," the man on top of the dragon shouted his words covered with venom.

"We need more time we are only a small tri-,"his words stopped as only of the rider's men shoot him in his chest everyone screamed as more men came from the dragons holding bows shooting at in every direction everyone ran unlucky people got trampled by others grabbing their children and family and running.

All the girls from the stage ran off you looked around desperately to see your brother jumping off the stage as men came closing in holding people hostage and killing them your eyes shot in every direction until you spotted him you ran over as fast as you could one the men spotted chiho and drew his bow and pointed it at him "Chiho!," you screamed desperately scared his eyes on the man about to shoot him you ran faster it felt like time stopped as you jumped to your brother's aid tears stringed your eyes as he turned holding his arms out.

A scream of agony and pain as the arrow pierced your shoulder as you held your brother in your arms his head rested on your chest as he wrapped his arms around you the red crimson liquid dropped as the man pulled out a sword about to finish your life.

The dragon let out another ear slitting roar and everything stopped the blade of the man held by your neck your eyes shacking as you saw it as he returned his sword into his belt and he stepped back the rider of the dragon walked up to you the closer he got you dragged your body farther you were shacking with fear pulling your brother into your chest to keep him safe a bang gripped your back as your body was stopped by a wall.

He just stood above you as you shook in fear your
e/c eyes meeting his as he crouched down before you
a smile spearing on his face as he picked you up "your coming back with me," he said pulling you by your wrist, you tried fighting back hitting him with your free hand letting chiho rest near the wall you could only glanced back at him as he watched you get taken away "let go of me you sick bastard!," you screamed he only stared at you in amusement.

Everyone watched as you were taken away your mother tried to grab you but was pulled back by one of the men tears streaming from her eyes as she cried into your father's chest Minako and itakashi watched horrified they couldn't do anything to stop him a small figure suddenly appeared behind the man hitting him in the back as he pulled you away "chiho," you thought scared of his safety he kept hitting the man as he kicked your brother in the face pushing him back.

"Stop!," you shouted at your brother he could only watch as you turned to the man his grip loosened on your wrist you had already accepted your faith you turned to chiho "I'm sorry," you said he could only stare as the man pulled you onto of the dragon.

He stared at his men "I've got what I want let's head back," he said a smile of pride indented on his face the rest of the men climbed on their dragons ready for their leader's next command as he jumped onto the red beast the wings of the dragon flapped as a gust of wind was created pushing back objects as it set to the sky going higher and higher up into the clouds as you tribe and your people's faces became harder to see slowly you felt your eyes shut as you blacked out.


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