Into Budapest

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I landed somewhere. Not completely sure where and my head hurt like I'd be hit by a rock. I was lying on the floor in some sort of field but was covered by some trees. I looked around abit laying down and then carefully stood up. I saw a gravel path and began to follow it. It went through a deep dark woods where trees towered over me and I'd never expected this. I walked on and came across an old railway track and a bridge and I took in the beautiful area I was in. The further I walked the more surroundings I took in. Eventually I began to hear voices and cars and I realised I'd made it to Budapest.

The streets were bustling with people and they were quite mucky and sandy. There were many market stalls so I went up to one of them and bought some fruit. I saw some homeless people and they looked at me wide eyes and scared. They looked so thin that I gave them some fruit. One of them a little girl who had been begging every single person smiled at me when I gave her the fruit and then hugged me. This made me light up inside. I walked down some more streets and the further away from the centre I got the less busy it was. Finally I found the hotel Fury had booked me into. It wasn't five star quality or worth any medals but it looked fine for me to stay in for now. I walked to there reception desk were a young man stood and just hoped he understood English.
"I have a room booked for.." I looked down at a piece of paper Fury had given me to see what my cover name was,"Carlton Briton," I uttered. What sort of name was that? I sighed but let it be then I grabbed the keys off the man and walked up to the room.

It was fairly small. One double bed, a minuscule bathroom, a dresser with a mirror and a window. I sat down on the bed and then laid back and looked around at the mouldy green wallpapered walls. I began to close my eyes and then think. What was I going to do about my mission? Fail it and become a fugitive of S.H.I.E.L.D or succeed and have guilt surrounding me. Be killed, kill her or be wanted to be killed. I opened my eyes and walked over to my bag and got out some paracetamol for my banging head ache. I took it and had a glass of water. I trudged over to the window and opened it slightly and overlooked Budapest in all its glory. Then I looked down to the street below me and spotted something. Someone. They were walking into the bar just across the street. Then I had a plan. I put on my jacket and another pair of purple sunglasses(I have many). Then I grabbed my bag with my bow and arrow in and began to walk out of the door. As I did this I radioed Coulson,at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters.
"Phil it's me," I whispered and the radio crackled before he replied.
"Barton?"he questioned,"I shouldn't really be talking to you..I should get Fury.." He stuttered and I stopped outside of my room really confused.
"What?Why?"I said and I began to move again. I began to climb the stairs in the hotel two at a time when Coulson began to explain.
"Hill contacted Fury,claims your going to betray us...Are you?" He interrogated me and I'd never heard him like this before luckily part of my plan was going into action. I barged open a door which was pretty stiff and found myself situated on the hotel roof. I walked over to the edge and looked down on the pub. My radio began to crackle as I go out my bow and placed my arrow basket on my back.
"Agent Barton,are you going to betrayed us.. If so you will be a fugitive and arrested you know,"Coulson seemed pretty serious and shaken.I began to speak again and the words rolled off my tongue as if I'd had everything planned and controlled.
"If I was a traitor,"I whisper a smirk finding it way to my lips,"why would I say..."I took an arrow out of my basket and placed in position in my bow which was pointed near the door of the pub. Coulson was still listening, breathing heavy on the edge of his seat.
"Target Acquired."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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