The Park

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*Harry walked to Cookie Park by himself on a fall evening to think and hopefully make friends. 

As he walks around the park he finds a sharpie and for fun writes-*

Harry: My dick is bigger than yours!!!

*Someone wrote back?!*

Asher: Oh ya? Wanna see?

Harry: Sure, when? Place? Time?

Asher: The super 8 hotel room 1 at 12:00AM.

*The boys meet up and go fucking hard. Harry being a bottom at 4'9 gets completely wrecked. Asher doesn't have a bigger dick but he's strong and can move fast.*

*The next day*

Asher: Woah last night was great!! You ok?

Harry:  Ugh, yea I'm fine. You are god-damn strong though my love. I can barely walk, you made my insides happy though. ;)

Asher: Calling me your love already eh? Wanna do it again? Oh and I think my dick is bigger than yours!

*Harry blushes when he reads that*

Harry: Uhm, yes. I'd so do it again, any day anytime. And no, mine is bigger by  a half inch <3

Asher: I DONT THINK SO!!!! Lets measure again but this time in a hotel bathroom. The lobby bathroom. (; 11:45 tomorrow night. Better not make as much noise as last time if you don't want to get caught. Should I bring anything?

Harry: Mine will always be bigger man. In the lobby bathroom? Risky...I love it! I do not control my moans, especially when you go so fucking hard. Bring whatever toys you have 😊 'Cya tomorrow.

Asher: Alright sweetheart! Can't wait to see you! Love you.

*They meet up once again to have some fun. IN THE LOBBY BATHROOM!!!! A few janitors almost caught them, but never did. Asher's toys made quite a few marks on Harry. But it was satisfying to be used like that. (Harry's dick was still bigger. At least that's what he thought.) Asher loved making Harry happy because he loved him more than just a sex toy, but he didn't know if Harry liked him that way as well. So he didn't say anything in case.*

*Next day*

Asher: Heyyyyyy bbg! How you feel this time? 

*Harry didn't visit the next day...*

Asher: Hey Harry. Did you have fun? Are you ok?

*Harry didn't come back the day after that EITHER!!*

Asher: Harry...Are you ghosting me?! What did I do?!? I'm sorry!

Harry: I'M SO SORRY!!! I HAD HERPES!!!! I couldn't leave my bedroom!! But you didn't do anything!! I didn't mean to ghost you 😢. Would it make it up for me being gone...If I was top next time?

Asher: Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't know your situation. It doesn't matter if you are top or bottom I just really enjoy being with you. 😊

Harry: I wanna be top. I wanna be able to show you how much I love you. Plus I have very strong legs. I'm gonna make you moan so fucking hard my love. Let's do my club-house in the trees at my house tonight at 11:15pm. My address is 69696 Avocado avenue, in this city obviously! Get ready to cum all over. I'm making you moan tonight like you've never moaned before, babe. 💕💋

Asher: Oh ok! Was not expecting that. But looking forward. (; Cant wait see you there. Don't worry tho I will take round 2?

Harry: Yes, you can take round two. Love you so, so much!!! Cya!!

*That night Harry brought his best game. He fulfilled his promise of making Asher moan like a fucking slut. Harry was surprised his mom didn't come out to see what was going on. It's a good thing Harry has a hose that can reach his club-house...They were gonna need it for the pool of semen on the floor. For round 2 Asher was softer on Harry than Harry was on him. Probably because Harry basically dissolved Asher's insides. But it was still fun.*

*Next day <3*

Asher: Fuckkkk! That was legendary. Did you know that was my first time being a bottom?

Harry: I'm happy I got to give you that experience!! Asher... I wanna know if you would consider being my boyfriend. We can still do this. But I love you more than just being your whore. So, yay? Nay? Let me know. <3 <3 <3


Harry:  We should have a celebration... any ideas?
Asher: Hotel room 1? 10:54?

Harry: Deal, I want to bring something special for it this time. 😉 And don't try to ask about it, I'm not going to tell you before tonight when we meet. Love you lots, see ya!

Asher: Okkkkkk! see you then can't wait! Love you Boyfriend!!!

*Harry walks into the room and there was flower petals all around. Asher shuts the door behind him scaring Harry.    "You scared me!!" Harry said sighing 
Asher gave a small laugh grabbing Harry's arm and pushing him against the wall. Harry blushed hard and looked into Asher's eyes. Asher came closer and kissed Harry on the lips. He kissed him so hard he moaned into his mouth.  Asher gently grabbed Harry's shirt and pulled it off walking towards the bed. Asher pinned Harry on the bed and moved his hand down towards his pants. Feeling his partner's dick he pulled it out.      "Mine is bigger..." Asher whispered moving his hand up and down caressing Harry's cock. Harry arched his back in a moan. Harry forgot all about the alcohol for the drunk fuck he wanted to do, but that didn't matter. Harry and Asher were having fun being gently fucked by each other. Harry decided he had enough being a bottom...he liked topping Asher. So he rolled on top of Asher grinning. Harry gave Asher a passionate kiss and plunged into Asher...* 🥵
*The next morning they woke up with each other in the same room*


*The panic was radiating off of him like the heat rays of the sun*

Asher:  Calm down! It's okkkkk.

Harry: Okay...Okay... I will. I'll use the hotel phone

*Harry picked up the phone and told him mom that he was having a sleep over. She was fine with it. She said be back home by the end of school on Monday...She gave him 2 days!? Asher and Harry were gonna be pregnant by then! Okay. That was an exaggeration, but they were gonna have a lot of fun that weekend. Harry relaxed and turned to Asher* 

Harry: Good news! We get the weekend to chill with each other! We can use the alcohol I brought!

Asher: Wait!? Alcohol!?!? We're minorsssss! Sick I'm down.

Harry: Bet!  Alright now.... Vodka or rum? I prefer rum over vodka, it's less stingy for the eyes, but whatever you want babe! 

Asher: Rum is the all time best. I agree with you. We aint no Russians. 

*Harry got the shot glasses out of his bag and bounced on the bed next to Asher*

Harry: Hold on a minute. You aint dressed yet. If we are doing a drunk fuck the best part is undressing each other  😡

Asher: Fuck sorry...Why don't you dress if you want to be dressed so bad. (;

*Harry blushed and grabbed a pillow smacking Asher*

Harry: Fuck you!!! And no! You're still wrong!! I'm still bigger!

Asher: Wow! I am shocked!

Harry: Why? You get surgery trying to make your dick bigger?  Imagine having a smaller cock than a kid who is 4'9!!!

Asher: I would NEVER get surgery for that! I'm all natural! If you don't like it than why do you want a round 2? Drunken?

Harry: mf- I love your all natural dick my friend! It is a very good size. Pretend I never said that... Whatever, but get dressed silly! I do want a round two, but you better be as good drunk as you are sober. 

Asher: What if I just lay here? What would you do? Do you want me that bad?

Harry: If you just lay there I'm drinking this whole bottle of rum and letting you have it I want you so bad.

Asher: Ok, Ok, chill, I'm sorry!

Harry: Or, I could just fuck you now. I brought ropes, I'd tie you down, and fuck you up so fast. I'd fuck you so hard you wouldn't wake up until Monday. You're asshole would be so red and swollen we wouldn't get to fuck until next year! Sounds fun to me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Asher: 0_0 I'm scared!

Harry: Live in fear of the short hot boyfriend!!!!!

Asher: I'm gonna cry!

Harry: Aw... I'm sorry.

*Harry layed on the bed next to Asher kissing his neck*

Asher: Even tho I'm severely scared of you, your really hawtttt!

Harry:  You're the hot one!!

(Me and my friend will continue writing, but for now this is it! Love ya'll!!!!) -Leo

(HEYYYY YALLLLLL! We will wright more verry soon like leo said and ya I dont really have much to say. Love yallsssss)-Ty

(Grammer and Harry's ideas) -Leo  (^///^)

(Asher and Main Idea) - Ty (¬‿¬)

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