The Math Test

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Harry: Do you want a popsicle?

Asher: Oh sure.

Harry: What kind? Green, blue, or pink? My favorite is green.

Asher: Oo I like blue please.

Harry: Here you go. What to do now?

Asher: I don't know. There is still not much to do. 

Harry: Yea there isn't. 

Asher: Do you have a bike?

Harry: I do but I don't know how to ride.

Asher: I could go home and sneak my bike out. I can teach you!

Harry: You could use my dads or moms. You don't have to go home. Just use ours. Alright, you may teach me. 

Asher: Are you sure its ok I use one of theirs?

Harry: Of course, they never ride theirs. So let's not let it go to waste.

Asher: Ok then. lets go!

*They go outside and Asher tries to help Harry learn to ride a bike. Harry falls over several times. before just laying on the ground spread out and looks at Asher*

Harry: There is no way this is gonna work. It's too hard

Asher: Here. Come sit on the bike and I will hold you up while you try to start peddling alright. I will help you not fall. If you fall it will be on me ok my love?

Harry: Ugh, okay.

*Harry gets on the bike and starts peddling with Asher holding onto him.*

Harry: Asher! I think I'm doing it! Don't let go!

*There was no response from Asher so Harry looks behind and and realizes Asher had let go. Asher was cheering for Harry and Harry smiled and then ran into a tree. Harry hears Asher laugh and start running towards him*

Harry: Well, I did it I guess?

Asher: Sorry I let you fall baby but you did so good! Are you ok?

Harry: Yea I'm fiiiiiine. I don't think I like riding bikes. That was hard.

Asher: Aw come on. We will keep trying. Little by little you'll get it then it will be really fun!

Harry: Okay then, but if I fall I'm gonna quit and throw a tantrum.

Asher: We can be done for today and I wont let you fall again. I wont let go until your ready. Don't cry baby. I love youuuu.

Harry: I love you too. Join me on the ground. It's comfortable.

* Asher lays down on the ground beside Harry and looks up at the sky.* 

Asher: Look at that cloud Harry!!! It looks like a dick!!!!

Harry: Mine's bigger than the cloud. my dick is like, thirty miles long. 

*Harry grabs Asher's hand and points at another cloud*

Harry: That one looks like Carters body in a dumpster!

Asher: Wow it does! Hey look at that one. It looks like Zander's half dead body in a bathroom stall. I mean what!

Harry: What now?!?! Asher you didn't!! Also, that is what id imagine his half dead body to look like.

Asher: You're right I didn't!

Harry: Hmmmmmm, okayyyy.

*Harry kisses Asher and they continue talking about the clouds. *

Asher: Look. The sun is setting already!

Harry: Oh, I didn't notice it was getting that late. We should head inside. 

Asher: Ok. Is it ok with your parents that I have been staying over like every night?

Harry: Of course. They don't care, but if you hear their bed banging don't go into the room if you know what I mean. Hehe...Yea uhm. I learned that the hard way. I'm scarred for life.

Asher: 0_0  So that means we can do it too!

Harry: Of course it does. Just don't be too loud and interrupt them! 😂

Asher: 🤣

*Harry grabs Asher once they're in the bedroom and pushes him against the bed and grinds against him kissing him and sticking his tongue down his throat.*

Harry: Do you want this my love..?

Asher: Is that even a question?

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