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*Asher walked with Harry on his back to Harry's treehouse and gently woke up him so he could climb the ladder. When they got to the top Asher laid Harry down. When Asher tried to walk away Harry grabbed Asher's hand.*

Harry: Stay...

*Harry said with a small yawn slightly opening his eyes*

Asher: My sweet baby I got to go.

Harry: Asher please stay.

Asher: You could come with if you absolutely want.

*Harry stood up wobbly and took Asher's arm as they went their way to Asher's house. Once they got there Harry's jaw dropped. Asher's house was huge*

Harry: Wow! this is your house?!

Asher: Yup. Welcome to my skromnyy dom.

Harry: HUH? Can we go in!? It's so pretty!

Asher: Yes we can go in just be really quiet and don't wonder around. Just follow me up to my room.

Harry: How many floors is this? Can I meet your parents? Are they nice? Do you have any pets? How big is your bed?! Is it stable enough for us to fuck!?!?!

Asher: Woah. That's a lot of questions. Ummm... I believe its 4 floors including the basement. Technically it was a castle before my parents renovated it. My parents are probably asleep and they are not what I would call "nice". I don't have any pets sadly. I have always wanted a dog though. My bed is a twin size and is stable but I would not recommend fucking here unless we are for sure my parents aren't here or coming home soon.😂

Harry: aww dammit, then you should probably change out of my clothes. Get rid of that cum stain. What about just a blow job? Or I could peg you!

Asher: I don't know baby its late. I thought you were really tired?

Harry: Well, I am.. Fine, let's just go to sleep. I'll text my mom and tell her I'm with a friend.

Asher: Alright. be aware I'm gonna change. Turn around or don't I, don't care.

*Harry sits down criss-cross applesauce and watches Asher change with a smile. He texts his mom and takes off his own clothes into his boxers to sleep.*

Harry: Can I be little spoon pleaaaaaaaaaaase?

Asher: Yes of course baby. Are you going to school tomorrow?

Harry: Ugh, yes I have to or my mom is banning me from being with you

Asher: When has she ever met me?!

Harry: She hasn't I just talk about my uhm "best friend" she says as long as I'm happy.

Asher: Aw that's sweet. You might need to set a alarm so we get up on time this time. Make sure its low though so my parents don't hear it.

Harry: Would they be mad at you for setting a school alarm..?

Asher: Let's go to bed shall we? I'm soooooo tired.

Harry: Asher you didn't answer my question. Don't ignore me!

* Asher then runs towards his bed and jumps on it not making to much sound.*

*Harry walks to him and gently rubs his back*

Harry: Darling..? Are you okay? Am I annoying you? Do I need to stop talking?

Asher: I love you baby, come sleep.

* Asher then rolls over and lays his left arm out patting the bed with his right hand signaling for Harry to come lay down. Harry waddles over and nuzzles into Asher's neck and whispers-*

Harry: I love you so much. You can talk to me about anything my love...You know that right?

*Asher whispers back*

Asher: Ya I know...

*Asher then starts drifting into sleep holding Harry tighter while lifting his right leg over top of him.*

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