Bigger Than Before

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Agatha was beyond her control. Pacing in her room, she peered herself in the mirror.

She looked different. Her famous smile was now her original frown and her eyes were masked with fear.

Tears swelled in Agatha's eyes as she masked herself from the mirror. Slouching onto the ground, she watched as her tears crashed to the ground.

Agatha growled, punching the ground. She sighed, letting all her thoughts dwell in her head.


Agatha turned to the door, fear in her eyes.

"It's the nurse, darling."

Agatha gasped, getting up and flinging her window open. She sat on the window sill, grabbing a beanstalk and climbed down.

Crashing onto the ground, Agatha watched as children made their way to class.

Don't hide. The voice said. Overcome. It said again. Agatha clutched her head, hiding behind a tree.

She dug her hands beneath the soil, calming herself.

I warned you. The voice said again. I can help you. Agatha shrieked, her head thumping. Just let me in.

"NO!!!" Agatha bit her lip, letting blood roll down her lips.

She lay on the tree, devouring the view. What do you want? Agatha asked herself. No answer. What do you want? She asked the voice.

I want you safe. Agatha rolled her eyes. You're not doing a very good job. The voice grunted. Then let me in.

Agatha lost connection with the voice. Her head stopped thudding and her necklace began to glow.

She watched as the necklace turned brown.

She got up, feeling much better. Thank you. She thought to herself.

She climbed back into her room, making sure no one was inside. She had a cold shower, putting on her green dress and wore her green pumps.

He strolled out of her room, getting ready for dinner. She walked elegantly down the stairs, catching eyes from boys walking either the same or opposite direction.

She sat at the end of the table, next to people she didn't even know.

All through dinner, she listened to girl problems and how their boyfriends had somehow been a pain.

Agatha rolled her eyes, chewing on her lamb.

"I'd trade Seph for Tedros any day." One girl said. The others nodded.

Agatha eyed them, still chewing her lamb. Unable to control herself, she hexed their feet, watching them scream with pain, she jumped up.

The other girls did the same. "Who did that?!" One yelled. Agatha covered her mouth, eying their toes that were now throbbing.

"I don't know!" She lied, trying to sound as if in pain. She sat, back down and so did all the other girls who were now rubbing their feet.

Agatha did the same, guilt running through her blood.

She gulped down her water, washing away the guilt.

"Like I was saying, Jake is a totally jerk." One said. "Of course he is, he's an Never."
"I don't even know what I was thinking."

Agatha stood up, excusing herself from the table and clearing her tray.

She scrambled to her room, plopping onto her bed. What the heck was that? She asked herself.

She brushed her teeth, picking out the lamb that was stuck in her teeth.

Peering in her mirror, she eyed herself again. It had seemed as if something was wrong with her, really wrong.

Sophie picked at her raw chicken. She watched as the other Nevers devoured it. Gagging, she passed it to Dot who seemed to not mind it.

She gulped down her water, thinking about everything that has happened so far.

Hatred filled in her heart as she thought of Agatha, the poison who made her life a living hell.

Sophie broke the cup, watching as the water spilt onto the table.

She didn't bother to pat it down, but remained in her space, avoiding eye contact with all the people who had been staring at her.

"What?" She hissed. They quickly looked away, continuing with their raw meat.

Agatha seemed to be having her happily ever after, forgetting the person who made her. How selfish. Sophie thought, kicking Hort who was in front of her.

He howled as Sophie smirked. "It's okay." His eyes narrowed. Taking offence, Sophie thudded him again, her smirk growing bigger than before.

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