Solace (A Short Poem...or whatever)

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Dear Solace

Please I would like to know my wrong.

tell me how I've made you so mad so that you constantly make me seek you...

I find you in the books

I find you in the crooks

in the silence and in the chaos

today I searched for you in a bottle of cheap alcohol

yesterday, it was in a pack of cigarettes'a blunt if I'm gonna be honest.

Dear Solace, today I went to church in search of you,

tomorrow I might be snooping the streets of Twitter threads


You might catch me scouring the floors of Instagram

Dear Solace, will I ever find you? and even when I eventually think I do, will it be worth it?

will it be enough?

Ill keep making attempts to find you in the vanities and unnecessities of life like, Love, Job, Money and Purpose; these things that we never get enough of...

Dear Solace, I hope you read this manipulative attempt to find you and that you call me when you're done consoling the hearts of the purest of souls.


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