A new relationship?

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Chapter 7:


Law stands still from Nami's words, he couldn't believe it. There was no way that she was actually pregnant, he wasn't ready to be a father. Sure, he technically was momonosuke's mom for a short period of time, but that was totally different. This was something he did willingly to Nami, at the time he didn't care about the consequences of having sex with Nami because the thought of him becoming a parent was far from the path he wanted.

"That's great" law dragged his words as he felt a cold sweat form from how unsettling the news was, "nami-ya...do you want to keep it"

Nami raised a brow at her boyfriend's question like her answer wasn't obvious, "Of course I do, why?"

"No reason it's just...i think we should go our separate ways" law said not shying away during the sentence.

It was as if Nami didn't hear a word he said, she continued to smile relentlessly at law who waited for an answer from her. The silence was substituted with the tension and anger Nami felt towards law, but not once did she raise her voice at him.

"Law... I'm not stupid," she said "babe, i know you slept with coco a few days ago and you slept with a nurse at the hospital,"

How did she know that? It was only the two of them at the hospital that night, law couldn't understand how Nami could have found out about that, unless the nurse told Nami herself but that was unlikely.

Either way, he was ready to tell her the truth about their relationship, "Nami-ya, thing's between us aren't genuine, and i'm sorry-"

"Don't you dare apologize law" Nami's smile faded as she looked towards the ground. "And...and then you'll leave me to be a single mother"

She hid her face in her hands as she teared up on the ground, law watched her weap on the ground weakly. This wasn't what he wanted, making Nami a single mother wasn't his intention at all. And if he had to sacrifice his love life with Luffy to prevent her turning into a single mother then he gladly would.

He put his arm on her shoulder and lightly pecked her cheek, "babe, i won't leave...we'll figure this whole parenting thing together."

Nami cherished his words and sunk into his arms, his words music to her ears. She knew if she got pregnant then he would choose her over true love any day. "Thanks"

Although law agreed to stay with Nami he felt awful. He just promised Luffy that he would leave Nami and get back together with him. On top of that what made matters worse is that he sealed that promise with sex. Looking back at it makes law feel like an idiot from the things he does to Luffy.

More importantly, how was he going to tell Luffy that Nami was expecting a baby that he was the father of? Luffy was already depressed due to the loss of Dadan, now he would have to break his heart even more than he already did. Luffy couldn't even handle when he found out law was dating Nami, how was he going to cope with the news that law was going to be a father?

All those questions ran though his mind as he listened to Nami blather for hours about what names she found fit for the new baby. He nodded on every other word and engaged somewhat in the conversation. She kept her suggestions vast and took little interest in what law had to say ignoring his every word.

It's not like he had much to say anyways, his focus was on stupid life decisions this past few months and how they led him to this moment. he only wished that he didn't open that door that day, maybe then doflamingo wouldn't have raped him. Then made him leave with him to dressrosa. And if he didn't open that door there was a good chance momonuske would have survived doflamingo's dreadful abuse.

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