"Yes, I would love that"

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Chapter 15:


Luffy felt a blush spread across his cheeks when he read the message from Law. He figured that Law was coming back only to do business and mess with his relationship with Hawkins, nothing more. But Luffy made a vow to himself not to give in to the temptation he faced when he was around his ex. His screen stayed on the text for a while until his boyfriend burst into the room.

Hawkins held a jacket in his hands when he came in. as he put the jacket on, he went towards the nightstand, where his own phone lay. His demeanor seemed off, and Luffy could sense it.

The erratic man retrieved his phone and went back to the door, but before he could leave, Luffy stopped him. "Hawkins...Are you feeling alright?" Luffy asked the man due to his concern over his boyfriend's unusual behavior.

Hawkins continued to express his abnormal manner; he refused to speak to Luffy. The man rushed out of the house with only two items: his jacket to protect him from the chilly breeze and his phone. Or so Luffy thought; little did he know his boyfriend left to take care of his addiction.

"He's being weird..." Luffy said to himself. Hawkins would usually be more affectionate if he was going to go out, but today he left without saying a word to Luffy. The shorter man decided not to worry about Hawkins' behavior.For there were other things he had to take care of.

His ex informed him that he was visiting for a few days. Luffy acknowledged this and vowed to keep his distance from law, no matter the situation. He couldn't bear another cheating burden on his shoulders .

But Luffy found himself in need of some sleep before he dealt with law and his exhausting personality. So without another thought, he laid back down on the bed and dozed off into his dream.

A few more hours went by while Luffy was in his sleeping state, and Hawkins still didn't return. Later that day, he would give Luffy a convincing reason as to why he wouldn't be returning until later that day.

Luffy was still under his covers when he heard a knock at the door. He didn't want to get up due to his lack of sleep, and he was going to stay in his room until the person decided to leave him alone at this early hour. But all that went away when his phone vibrated. Luffy took out his phone sluggishly and checked his contacts.

A new message from law read, "I'm at the door."

Luffy practically fell off of the bed when he read the text. He wasn't expecting law to come to his place, needless to say, especially not at 7 in the morning. Luffy responded to him swiftly with "I'll be out in 30 minutes" and went into the bathroom to get ready for his long day.

30 minutes later, Luffy walked out of the house with his phone, keys, and his dignity. He spotted Law leaning against the wall, waiting for him. When the man against the wall looked up, his gaze shifted towards Luffy.

"You look nice" law complimented.

Luffy knew Law was trying to mess up his relationship with Hawkins, but Luffy refused to give in like he had promised himself a few hours earlier. "Shut up," Luffy went on to say, "nothing you say is going to work on me."

"You're feisty today," Law said, amused by Luffy's behavior. "I kind of like it," he cupped Luffy's face with his hand and pulled him closer. Luffy's heart skipped a beat when Law's warm hand touched his face, and for a moment, he couldn't find his voice .

Luffy's whole face turned red from Law's comment, but he didn't provoke Law's alluring manner. Luffy took a deep breath, and once he calmed himself down, he held onto Law's hand that he used to cup Luffy's face and brought it down. His eyes never unlocked with laws while he did so. Luffy then managed to find his voice again and softly said, "You're very kind.."

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