Curiosity Is death

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      Chapter 19:


Hours went by as the sleeping couple cuddled closely , enjoying the warmth of each other's embrace. That was until Law woke up to check on his patients at the underground hospital. He carefully slipped out of bed, trying not to disturb the sleeping figure beside him.

Just before he left the room, he caught a glimpse of a white piece of paper on the nightstand. Curiosity got the better of Law, leading him to reading the note, and what he found out shocked him. It was from Nami, who wrote about Kaido demanding more blood from Luffy.

That's when he started putting the pieces together. He now knew the cause of Luffy's anemia, but the news didn't relieve him in the least bit. What made him feel worse was that he didn't think to ask Luffy if he was feeling okay. He felt guilty for not being more focused on Luffy's health and frustrated with Nami for not sharing this important information with him sooner.

Law quietly left the room with the paper in his hand. He then sat on the couch in the living room and re-read the note over and over again, feeling more guilty each time. Thoughts about how he could have pervented this formed; he wondered if there were any signs Luffy gave him, and he just ignored him.

As the troubled man sat in the living room, Luffy awoke slowly. He tried to grab onto his boyfriend, but when he realized there was no one next to him, he sat up quickly and rushed out of the room in his robe and slippers. He ran down the stairs as fast as he could, with worry following behind him. But when he reached the living room, all his worries went away when he saw Law sitting on the couch.

Even though Luffy was relieved to see Law, he worried about his facial expression and what he was reading. As he got closer to his boyfriend, he questioned whether Law had learned anything significant about his health that he was not aware of. Luffy hoped that Law had good news to share with him and that his worries were unfounded.

Luffy sat next to Law and clinged on to him. He looked up at his boyfriend and waited for his boyfriend to say something. Luffy stayed that way for about 10 minutes before Law moved. His movements carried a weight of sadness and disappointment.

Law turned his head towards Luffy and looked him dead in the eyes. He hesitated before interrupting Luffy as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Luffy... Why are you giving Kaido blood?..."Law managed to utter from his trembling lips.

Law's words caused Luffy's eyes to widen, and he quickly read the letter Law was holding in his hands. His heart dropped to his stomach at that moment. He also first felt sick at that time. His eyes started to tear up as he turned to face Law.

Law was miserable, but he needed an explanation from his gloomy boyfriend. He attempted to hold on to Luffy's hand, but Luffy slapped it away.

Luffy said to Law while looking down, "I'm sorry,... I just can't tell you... It's too hard..."

"I understand that it's hard for you, but keeping it from me will only make things worse. Please trust me enough to share your burden with me." Law said as he gently placed his hand on Luffy's shoulder.

Luffy looked up at Law and finally told him the truth. "It started a few months ago—the day Nami came in with a broken arm. Kadio broke her arm, and he was going to hurt everyone in my gang, maybe even you...and since then I've given him blood every day."

Law knew that he had to find a way to stop Kadio from hurting Luffy and anyone else in his gang, and he was concerned about the impact of giving blood every day on Luffy's health. He intended to stop Kaido, regardless of the consequences.

☆𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝗼☆ 𝐁𝗼𝗼𝐤 3Where stories live. Discover now