A New Beginning Of Dark Desire's

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"If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor." Eleanor Roosevelt

Bold: Important note to the story

Italic: Important message to a specific character or event

"Message" Speech

'Message' Thought's

|Boom!| Noise/sound effect


Neo and Ruby flew through the slum's of Vale using Ruby's evolved semblance, dodging the areas that Neo knew was being scoured for criminal's by the huntsmen and police, Ruby stopped as she came to a alleyway in the industrial park zone of Vale.

"Damn your clothes are practically non-existent! I need to get you some more clothes that's for sure!" Neo didn't mind the practically nude Ruby as her clothes had been long shredded by Torchwick's whip, but if she were to bring Ruby to her apartment she needed a proper attire.

"You stay here while I go rob a clothes store and if someone tries anything to you, two word's from me as your new girlfriend, cut loose~!" Ruby grew a look of pure mad happiness if she could slaughter some people in cold blood, her mind after having shattered became a hard core sadist and loved to cause suffering on another person.

"Pick some good clothes for me babe, I might go hunting though~!" Ruby took off with a skip in her step as Neo watched Ruby sway so gracefully, Neo then used her semblance to disguise herself as she was very much a wanted criminal still.

Neo gave herself blonde hair and green eyes as she also took of with a skip towards a clothes store nearby named The Black Canary. The bell above the door rang as she made her way inside the dimly lit store, she immediately ran over to the women's clothing section as she gravitated towards the leather clothes section.

The way Ruby was now leather clothes was the perfect choice, she was a sadist that was as insane as Neo was and before her fall from grace regularly wore black and red. Neo ran her eyes up and down the aisle before something caught her eye, it was a set of leather clothes that was so damn sexy!

It had a leather jacket that came down to the belly button and had a very small tank top that went under it, there was a pair of leather pants that would hug Ruby's figure very tightly and it made Neo excited to see it.

It had a leather jacket that came down to the belly button and had a very small tank top that went under it, there was a pair of leather pants that would hug Ruby's figure very tightly and it made Neo excited to see it

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Neo knew Ruby probably need new lingerie as well after being stuck in the warehouse for so long. Neo picked out a pair of black lace panties and a bra, it barely would cover anything and Neo knew this was the right choice. Neo held the choices in her hand's as she skipped up to the counter and rung the bell, soon a slightly heavy set man came out.

"Hello I'd like to buy these please~!" Neo chirped as the man behind the counter checked the tag's for the price of the item's, she had a sweet smile on her face but it was fake since she planned to kill him.

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