The Birth Of The Devil's Legend

338 8 13

"Don't put your life in someone hand's, they are bound to steal it away." Three Day's Grace, Song: Get Out Alive

Bold: Important note to the story

Italic: Important message to a specific character or event

"Message" Speech

'Message' Thought's

|Boom!| Noise/sound effect

Okay this is where the book will deviate from the original, the hitman arc is going for another several chapters now.


Siren's echoed throughout southeast Vale as the smell of iron and dustpowder drifted through a certain area, it was a rather decrepit warehouse that looked abandoned if not for the massive force of huntsmen and policemen that gathered before it.

There was a burnt out truck that had definitely exploded during the night, a nearby officer was putting a dead body beside the truck in a black body bag. All in all it looked like last night had been a night of horror for those who had died in the warehouse, the headmaster of Beacon Academy Ozpin Veridian had come personally to check it out.

"What's the situation like chief?" Ozpin asked as he strode up to the police chief tapping his cane with his index finger, the police chief sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose with his hand.

"Not great, there's over a hundred dead and mostly by two different weapon's. Both weapon's appear to be bladed and there were a few discarded knives as well." The police chief grimaced as he tallied up the death toll that had been made, Ozpin looked slightly afraid that only two people could cause such a massacre.

"Though this cartel had been making Maledictum, evidently they pissed someone off making it and this massacre was the response...." Ozpin looked disgusted as the police chief mentioned the horrible drug, they walked into the warehouse where the stench of iron and death hung in the air.

Bodies filled the entire place as it was taking a long time to sort through them, they needed to be identified before being sent to the morgue. Ozpin looked sick as he saw so much death scattered through the building, to think two people killed so many means they are fighter's on the level of Qrow and that was not good.

"Sir! We managed to hack into the security camera's, we have video of what happened now!" A junior police officer came running up shouting the info, the chief went running to his car to access the feed.

He spent several minutes hooking up his cars system to the camera's, Ozpin stood nearby as the screen finally flashed on and the heard the sound of a truck exploding. This camera was placed above the door to the warehouse and had a view of the truck exploding, a man voice could be heard as he was screaming in fury.

"YOU BASTARD! YOU'LL PAY FOR KILLING CAR-" The video feed caught the killer appearing behind the man and slitting his jugular open with a knife, the man clutched his throat as his blood sprayed like a scarlet fountain.

Ozpin shuddered at the sight of the man bleeding out in seconds, this was the work of a professional killer and a strong one at that. Though what made her slightly curious as the killer looked young, a late teenager or nineteen at most according to his trained and honed eyes.

The police chief switched the camera as the two killer's came inside the warehouse doorway, they watched the female captive be injected with the drug in horror. A silver glow came from the eyes of the demonic masked one before it died out, Ozpin was worried if this was a new silver eyed warrior before he felt dread soak over him like a snow covered blanket.

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