Chapter 1:First steps

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3rd person

Dust... all is dust.

A figure in power armour crawls from a crater in the middle of the night, his armour showing scorche markings, his head is ringing. His helmet is a mark 3 crusader armour and so is his armour, with heavy modifications. His left hand is a servo, in his back there were two servo arms, made for repairing and lifting vehicles. On the right eye of his armour it had an enhanced optic, to scan the damage done so it can be repaired. The figure had no idea what happened or what had occured. He puts his hand on his head and feels his armour. He takes a long pause, not moving at the slightest. His mind is racing quicker than it should, made by the enhancements of an astartes. He remembers and is confused, he was painting miniatures for the new HH event and... he looked down at his body, which is clad in power armour, it was grey-iron in colour . He rested and laid down, wondering what just happened, is he dreaming? Delirious? Did he hit his head and now having a very weird dream? Though the pain was very much real as he placed his metallic hand on his left shoulder, for a few seconds admiring the servo hand. He looks at his damaged shoulder. The damage looks like it was made out of a plasma blast, wait how does he know that?

He looks up to the sky and the site is something... ships falling from orbit or what is left of them, a great battle has occurred, but which? He looks around and sees many wrecks and dead, Iron hands and Emperor's children. He was in the Horus heresy... He gets up though he groans at the pain in his shoulder. He see many bolter round spent, he goes to one knee and looks at the ground for anything of particular use: A Thunder hammer, seems useful and-

Before he could think of anything else, one of his servo arms on his back got it and put it on his hand. He is amazed by what has occured, he originally thought that techmarines used it consciously, perhaps they do? But right now the servos respond to his commands in an odd way. Tracks are heard and if almost in autopilot, the Marine with the mind of the 2 millenium takes cover in the wreckage of a fellblade. He looks on as seen a massive vehicle(the size of a fellblade) of unknown designs, it had massive servos arms on it, which ranges from giant grains to lift materials to cutters. They were a reclamation group post battle made by the admech. They stopped and He almost went outside to their view, thinking they were friendly, but as soon as they got outside their true nature was revealed. With macabre instruments and black robes clad in infernal symbols the agents of the dark mechanicmum have come to reape their tally. Half mad servitors came out to inspect the wrecks, first they went after a land raider and they will surely go next to the fellblade.

"The plan of the warmaster was a success, now with 3 legions destroyed this bounty will be remade in the name of the Warmaster! " One of the tech priests screams with pride, this caused the lone heart to fall... was he at Istvaan 5? If he was, his chances of survival dropped incredibly fast.

"Keep your mouth shut, my sensory receptors are still damaged from all those guns firing. Remember to be quick, the 3rd legion requests that we bring this dreadnought back quickly to them." the taller tech priest responds, his face hidden underneath his robes and the only thing you could see is 3 green lights.

"Why not just kill the pilot, we are wasting time and I fear without repairs the suit might be lost." the subordinate says annoyed as he points to the back of the vehicle,

"We serve the lord Astartes." the senior one responds, now annoyed at the insubordination.

"Well we only serve the warmaster!" the subordinate responds back. Both of the tech priests were now insulting one another for now they were debating on who should serve better. The iron hand was debeating to what to do. Stay and await discovery, run away and get discovered or fight and free the dreadnought for him to join his side. A space marine versus 2 babbling tech priests and 20ish rusty servitors, he likes those odds. Mark 3 armour was not made for stealth, so no use trying to sneak in. with a bellowing cry, he charged forward crushing two servitors underneath him and running full towards the dreadnought in chains. The stunned techpriest looked on, surprised by there is a survivor

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