(chapter 1) a god and his apostle

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<< System >>

{Floating slowly and calmly throughout a void is pleasantly calming, you know}

{Although to others...}


{Probably not so much}


{Floating through space I sit, waiting, for the most annoying person in the world...}

{Although I do not know his name... He still really gets on my nerves}


[A faint glow could be seen from far away, indicating that I was indeed correct]

{It's almost annoying how I always guess correctly when he's about to come}


Hello there

{Hello there, stuck-up piece of shit}

"hi..." (Kent)

[staring at me for a minute almost like he was trying to figure out a way of saying something without upsetting me, very unusual of them]

So how've you been...

"Something tells me this isn't just one of our usual talks," (Kent)

{Unlike all the other times we've talked, he always had a poker face... A resting bitch face if you will... The fact that he was unable to keep a straight face today means that something unusual has or will happen}

[Staring daggers, he tries to change the subject from the current one]

Any good luck recently?

"I'm not going to answer any questions until you've answered mine," (Kent)

[He glared softly at me, whispering something to himself, although not noticeable to the regular person... I have quite the talent for picking up on the people who talk badly about you]

Alright Alright...

I've been busy preparing something for you these past few months... It's been a struggle to prepare and I've been mismatching information so I'm sorry if I made you anxious... But I've got some good news.

Today's visit will be the last visit from me

{Those words made my heart flutter with joy as this asshole had been patronising me in my sleep for years}

Although... You may not like the outcome of why...

[I stared at him with a questioning gaze in
response to whatever he was entailing]

Although I can not tell you what the reason is right now, I assure you will know in under two hours of awakening...

anyway, it feels deeply saddening from the bond I've made with you. I hope you feel the same.


[A slow smirk had appeared on my face, which most likely alerted him to the fact that I hated him even more]

Glad we feel the same

[Smirking, he continues to talk as though he did not notice my smile]

Today is the day that you and I must depart from each other, although kent, it will most likely not be the end of seeing each other

{good riddance, and bon voyage}

Oh... And one more thing

Don't waste your life away like the others... And... Don't do anything stupid

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