(chapter 2) boredom is a powerful force

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[Pointing to the direction ahead, the journey would begin, out into... Wherever we are...]

[Turning away from the oh-so "calming" dungeon, I start to walk... The direction chosen to be straight ahead, as any other way would most likely get me as lost as any direction]

[Following what could only be described as a natural pave way, I make my way further into the forest, away from the dungeon and away from any signs of life]

[The thought of staying back at the dungeon came across my mind a multitude of times since I began walking, but ultimately chose to continue marching forward]

{The question is, whenever this Forest may lead me to, In the end, be it a friend or a foe, will cause me much trouble in the future}

“is there a general location I should go to?” (kent)

[I enquire towards the system whilst the  previous answer pricked my brain like a thistle]

<< Answer: unknown >>

{Well, that doesn't help now, does it}

[Rubbing the back of my head, I continue to do one of the few sane things to do, just keep walking... Is that even really a Sane thing?]

[The noises of the forest didn't really vex me, although the noises of strange creatures did. It was very calming at the very least]

[After a while I noticed the wind starting to pick up and looked to the sky. Nothing much seemed to change, aside from the clouds rolling through the trees off in the distance]

[Surprisingly the feeling of drowsiness hadn't kicked in yet, even at the slight distance I had made]

[although the feeling of drowsiness hadn't been felt, a slightly different feeling replaced it instead]

[stamina... Mana... Energy... Whatever is I felt thankful, unlike this world, I would've made it only a partial distance of whatever I had done today]

[Aside from the weird feelings I had throughout my new body, I noticed that some things were a little stranger, for example] 

[One thing I've noticed]

[The sun is ridiculously small... Although not much of a change, it affects my thought process a ton. How has this planet survived... How is there light... How are there plants?]

[How does the sun even work?]

[this world... It's unusual... Any sane scientist from my world would have denied the possibility of this world even being a realty]

[Well, to be honest scientists... Being scientists rely on science and factual evidence than that of fantasy worlds filled with magic and such]

[I swear if someone went through the exact same thing, and went back to earth, they would most likely be put within an asylum]


[walking past trees you could see they bared fruit that resembled oranges, but unlike the bright orange colour it was a light blue... A blorange?]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2022 ⏰

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