chapter four

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"Don't forget these crystals, Rose!" Robin yelled from his room, which was adjacent to Ella's, as he observed his daughter packing through the open door.

"Why would I need that?" Ella raised her brow in exasperation. So quickly had the days passed that it was already Tuesday, indicating that today is the day of her impending arrival at the castle. Miranda had texted her last night stating she would be picking her up at noon and to not give her number to anybody else. Does this imply that they are now texting buddies? Oh wait, how did Miranda got her number? Nevermind. "Pa, I already have two large suitcases with me and they're both heavy."

"This item weighs nothing!" Robin insisted, moving to her second, wide-open luggage and placing the crystals inside. "These babies will guard you while you're in the castle."

"But, I already wear crystal bracelets that you created." She said showing her wrists.

"You'll place this in your room."

"That is if I would have my own room because I'm a hundred percent sure that I would be having a roommate." Ella exclaimed with a sigh. "Though I'm not even certain that I would stay there for very long. I've heard Lady Dimitrescu is reputed to be strict."

"Ben was like that when you were just getting to know him," grumbled Robin as he attempted to close Ella's suitcase. "I am confident that your new employer will adore you as much as Ben does. Who knows, maybe you'll become her star employee."

"As if that would occur." Ella examines her reflection in her vanity mirror. She was brushing her hair in preparation for a formal appearance at her new work today. She wore pants with a white button-down polo whose sleeves she rolled up to her elbows and a ponytail to keep her hair neat. She wanted to wear a dress today, but she had already packed one in her bag and was too lazy to remove it, fearing that it would ruin her other clothes. She looks at Robin in the mirror. "I'm very sure Lady Dimitrescu already has her own star employee, which means she doesn't need anyone else. Besides, I have no plans to attract attention. Unlike when I was still working for Cooper family, I will maintain silence. Thus, nobody would detest me, as I would be nothing more than a maid."

"Pumpkin, you know that's really unlikely." Robin stood behind Ella smugly grinning. "Your appearance would already be apparent."

"Because I'm different? I already knew this, Pa."

"No, that's not it! I was going to mention that everyone can't stop staring at you due to your beauty. Even if you did not have purple eyes or white, silvery hair, you would still be gorgeous."

Ella amusedly rolled her eyes, shook her head, and placed the makeup brush on her vanity. "Don't you fear that might go deep in my head?"

"It's true!" Robin had defended. "I am confident that you will go unnoticed."

Ella disregarded his statements. "You're leaving for work tomorrow in another town, right? I require a favor before you leave."


She presented a small rectangular box to Robin, which prompted the man's brow to furrow. "What is it?"

"Give this to Rina and assure her that no matter where I go, I will always be by her side."

"What's inside?"

"Of course you'll ask." She chuckled. "It's a bracelet that she's been wanting to buy for a long time, but because it's so pricey, she never did."

"And you instead bought it? My sweet girl!" Robin admires Ella while carefully opening the box to examine its contents. "You are such a great friend."

Ella winked and stated, "I was raised by the best father, so it's nothing."

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