Iron Man Meets Spider-Man

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Chapter 2
Important Information to Note:
Spider-Man 1/Peter Parker 1: Tobey Maguire (graduated from HS and MIT, works for the Daily Bugle, age 27, other Spider-Men refer to him as Bugle)
Spider-Man 2/Peter Parker 2: Andrew Garfield (graduated from HS and MIT, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D,  but organization doesn't know that he's Spider-Man, and he is unaware that they are trying to capture them, age 24, other Spider-Men refer to him as Agent )
Spider-Man 3/Peter Parker 3: Tom Holland (junior at Midtown, age 17, other Spider-Men as Genius)

Storyline is non compliant with either the comics or the movies. Elements of movies and comics have been taken from them, however. All the characters belong to Marvel/Sony.

It was a few days later when F.R.I.D.A.Y was ready to assist the Avengers with their mission to capture Spider-Man.

Spider-Man 3 POV:
I managed to make it to my seat just as the bell rang. For the next hour and a half, I sat through my chem class, answering a few questions here and there. Finally, the bell rang and I was free to move on to my next class. Before I could head out, Ned met up with me. Ned's my best friend. We've known about each other since elementary school and bonded over our obsession for all things Avengers and Star Wars. We also totally geeked out over our passion for science, technology, and robots. However, a little over a year ago, I gained special powers after being bitten by a radioactive spider. And despite being best friends that tell each other everything, he doesn't know about this. I just was not ready to share this with anyone yet, well except two fellow counterparts, they understood what I was going through. How I met the other Spider-Men, well that's a story for later.

Anyway, as Ned and I were headed to our Calculus class, he asked, "So have you heard the latest news?"

"No", I replied, "what is it?"
"They've just released a limited Spider-Man Lego set!" He exclaimed. "I have already ordered it. I should be here on Wednesday, do you want to come over to my place and build it?"
Seriously, I thought. When did that happen? However, I responded, saying, "Sure, Ned." He was obsessed with Spider-Man. Ned would probably internally combust if he knew there were three, and I was one of them. See, here's the thing, right? As far as the world is concerned, there's only one Spider-Man. And on most nights, we did little to disprove that. Sunday through Thursday, only one Spider-Man would patrol.
And depending on our schedules, two out of the three of us would patrol two days of those five nights, one would be scheduled for one day. Of course this would alternate, unless one of us had something urgent (such as a test, a mission, or project deadline) in which case we would only be scheduled for one while the others had two. Fridays and Saturdays we would patrol together, but despite this the crimes only ever required one of us not three of us, which is another reason why people don't realize that there were three Spider-Men. Ironically, we were all bitten by a radioactive spider. I was 14 when I was bitten, Bugle was bitten when he was 15, and Agent was bitten when he was 16.

We had reached our Calculus in about 10 minutes, and quickly took our seats just as the bell rang. The day proceeded to fly by, and soon the day was over. After saying goodbye to Ned, I quickly got back home so that I could go and finish off my homework before I went on patrol tonight. It was 7:00 pm by the time I was done, which meant I had enough time to grab a quick dinner before heading out.

Tony's POV:
F.R.I.D.A.Y had finished updating this morning and was keeping an eye out for Spider-Man. It had been decided that F.R.I.D.A.Y's surveillance would be plan A but with slight change. While one of us will confront Spider-Man, the rest of us (Hawkeye, Captain America, Black Widow, Iron Man {Hulk, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Scarlet Witch will remain back for now} {Thor is not on Earth right now}{might include Dr. Strange later}) would be in the wings to assist in case talking didn't work and force was needed. F.R.I.D.A.Y had been programmed to alert us as soon as he was spotted, regardless of where we are and what we are doing. So, I went about my day as usual, starting off with my first cup of coffee of the day followed by a few meetings and a bit of tinkering. F.R.I.D.A.Y hadn't announced anything. But, since I knew it worked, having tested her surveillance abilities with other people, I knew I had to just wait. But the others were getting impatient and anxious.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Steve asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Yes, Capsicle. I'm positive it's going to work. We just have to be patient. Spider-Man probably just hasn't been out yet." I said with a sigh.

"It's 7:00, though. What if he doesn't show up?" Clint asked.

"Maybe he will, maybe he won't. I'm not him, I don't know how he operates, but I'm confident in F.R.I.D.A.Y, so as soon as he appears, we will be alerted," I said with a finality and confidence, effectively ending the conversation. "But since it's 7:00, why don't we eat dinner? I ordered Chinese food." The others agreed, quickly moving to the dining table, where the food was waiting. We served ourselves and began eating. It was 7:50 when we were done. We cleaned up and were just about to sit down and watch a movie when F.R.I.D.A.Y announced that Spider-Man had been spotted on top of the Chase Manhattan Bank Building in Queens. Capiscle, Natasha, Clint, and I  immediately sprung to our feet and got ready to leave. The others would be watching from within the compound. By 8:15 we were headed towards Queens.

Spider-Man 3 POV:
By 8:00 I was headed out my window towards the Chase Manhattan Bank Building, it wasn't my favorite place, but on nights when I patrol alone, I like to get as high as possible in order to give myself a better vantage point. When we patrol together, we divide and conquer before meeting up and finishing off patrol together before going home. On nights when we are alone, we like to get as high as possible so that our senses can be used to maximum capacity without going into sensory overload. However, sometimes even that is not enough, but nine times out of ten, the higher up we are the easier it is and the less likely it is to happen. Anyway, I was relaxing on top of the Chase Manhattan Bank Building, tuning into my senses when spidey sense went off alerting me to the presence of four people around me. I slowly and carefully turned around, and to my surprise Iron Man was standing behind me. The other three that I could sense were hidden a little further away behind a pillar.

"Iron Man," I said in surprise, "what are you doing here? How can I help you?"

"Spider-Man," he responded, "look, Ineed you to come with me," he started, "this masked vigilante thing you have going on, can't keep on happening. You need to come with us and reveal yourself to the Avengers and SHIELD and answer a couple of questions." He finished bluntly.

"Ummm...why?" I asked.

"Because if you go rogue and since there are so many unknown factors about you, you could be a danger to the people. And if you don't comply and come peacefully, I will use force." He said.

"But, I haven't done anything wrong." I said, confused.

"Look, you're asking a lot of questions. Stop stalling, I'm not afraid to use force if necessary." He said impatiently.

"Yeah, sorry. No can do," I said as I prepared to escape. "I don't want to fight you but I will if I have to. I keep my identity hidden in order to keep my loved ones safe. I am not willing to jeopardize them by revealing my identity to people I don't know, nor trust." I said before leaping off and shooting my web off into the direction away from where, no doubt the hidden avengers were hiding. My spidey sense altered me, allowing to move out of the way of the blast of Iron Man's repulsors, an arrow and the widows bite. Iron Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Captain America, I thought, as his shield clipped my webs and I shot out another web onto the next web and led on a wild goose chase, fighting crime along the way. It was pretty mild today. I only had to stop a car crash and an unarmed robber who was trying mug a blonde woman and rescue a cat from a tree. The continued to try and hit me but to no avail, I was too fast for them. It was 11:00 pm by the time, I decided to call it a night and got them off my trail. I quickly hid and got out of my Spider-Man clothes and changed into my everyday clothes before heading back home.

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