Spiders Plan

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Chapter 4:

3rd Person POV

3rd Person POV (with the 3 Spider-Men):

3rd Person POV (with the Avengers):

It was eight o' clock in the evening and there was still no sign of Spider-Man. The Avengers had been patrolling for 3 hours and there had been no sign of him, nor had there been an alert from F.R.I.D.A.Y indicating that she had located him. This time, not only were the Avengers communicating with each other, but they were also communicating with Nick Fury and Maria Hill.

Spider Man 1 POV:

Due to the fact that we were planning on what to do about the Avengers, we had all agreed that there would be no Spider-Man tonight. We all felt really guilty about this decision, but if we can't save ourselves, how would we save anyone else? And since it was my night to patrol, but I could not leave, it was also decided that I would join Agent in patrolling tomorrow.

So our first course of action was to determine what we are going to do tomorrow.

"Stark mentioned that F.R.I.D.A.Y is involved in helping them," Agent began, "we can't both be seen patrolling. That would completely destroy our main advantage."

Genius and I nodded our heads in agreement. Suddenly Genius turned to his computer and began typing away. "I am trying to see if I can hack into F.R.I.D.A.Y. and see if either I can erase its ability to search for us or see if we can try and create our own" he explained.

"That's a good idea." Agent said.

Agent and I continued to throw around ideas while Genius worked. Soon he said, "while I can't hack F.R.I.D.A.Y, as there is an alert system embedded, I am able to see F.R.I.D.A.Y's coding. I should be able to make our own, and it should be ready in the next couple of days. In the meantime, with regards to patrol tomorrow, since Bugle wears his suit underneath his clothes, he can act like a normal civilian, while sticking to the shadows, and when the Avengers begin fighting you, cause that's bound to happen, well since they're using force, we should do that too. The best way to fight, and I am talking about even when we're all together, is for us to appear, one by one, when the other out of sight of the avengers. That way it looks like we have the ability to teleport. When we have an AI, I'll code them to be able to track the avengers since they are going to be patrolling around for us so that we can put some distance in between us and them. When we are alone, we try to fight them off on our own, but if it becomes too much or one of us ends up getting injured, we will use our Spider signal. Again, with the AI, it will alert the other Spider-Men if the one out out on patrol is severely injured. Also, once this it is up and running, we can do away with the signal and use that to communicate between the three of us, either when we are patrolling together or by ourselves. How does that sound?"

We all took a second to digest what he said. "Yeah, that should work" Agent and I said. We continued to plan late into the night, while Genius began working on the coding for our AI. By 1 am, we had made some more plans and back up plans and Genius had completed the coding for about 1/3 of the Spider-Man AI.

"I better get going. I have a hectic day at work tomorrow," said Agent as he yawned.

"Same, I have school tomorrow," Genius said.

So we decided to call it a night, before heading home and to bed. Hopefully patrol goes well tomorrow.

Coming up next:

Avenger Debriefing due to no Spider-Man 

Duo Patrol

Authors note: Let me know if the plan makes sense. It made sense in my head,mbira I'm unsure if it came across when I explained it in the chapter. 

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