Plan A or Plan B

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Miles away, a meeting was taking place amongst the world's mightiest superheroes and S.H.I.E.L.D.

"We need to bring him in. He is a threat as long as he is masked." Fury was saying.
"But all he's ever done is help people and stop crime. What's wrong with that." Natasha Romanoff said.
"He's a man with superpowers, and nobody knows the face behind the mask. If he ends up going rogue, he will be a threat to the world." Fury responded."Capture him and bring him in. Then unmask him and find out everything about him. Dismissed". He said before walking away.

After Fury left, the rest of the avengers remained behind.

"So, what's the plan?" Steve Rodgers asked.

Everyone was silent for a minute.

"Here's an idea," Natasha started, "why don't we create a fake crime scene. Since he's always assisting with helping the victims, he's bound to show up."

"That's one option. Another option is to have F.R.I.D.A.Y keep an eye, and as soon as she is altered that he is out and about, she will alert us as to where he is. Then one of us goes and tries to convince him to come with us and if he doesn't, capture him with force." said Tony Stark thoughtfully.

"So now we have two options." Steve Rodgers said."Any other suggestions?" Everyone shook their heads. "So that means we have two options. One can be Plan A, and if that one fails, the other suggestion will be Plan B. So which one should be Plan A?"

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