Drunk party mistakes

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It had been a week since he chais of madelaine and Baileys argument and things had progressively gotten worse which I never thought was even possible. During the aftermath of the events i have learnt that i should definitely give up on the madelaine train cos apparently she is a 'woman of the night' or in other words a complete slag. I don't judge one who wants to send their life like that however this has crushed my tiny little heart to pieces especially since Ellis ended things with me over text and the girl i really like is just getting closer and closer to pushing that self destruct button. Madelaine was like a literal goddess in my eyes since the moment i saw her grin in assembly and her piercing eyes i was hooked. She was a book i wanted to read and read over and over again until i finally understood who she was.

I was finally snapped out of my thoughts when Camila and Ashley started laughing strangely loudly. It was fall in September i was convinced it couldn't get any colder than this even in my bed with a thick jumper and leggings on with a duvet on top of me i still felt as though i was in a freezer. Every morning i look around the room and as if on queue i look to te door and see mads. Today i caught mads in all her hoe glory kissing a petite blonde girl called Becca Howles who is in my house Gryffindor.

"Great night last night baby girl"Mads said whilst pinning the girl to the door frame by her hips as the girl had her arms wrapped around mads neck

"I know mads your way too good at that here's my number"she said seductively and slipped a piece of paper in mads trouser pocket

"I'll uh text you later baby girl"mads said and leaned down and started making out wit the girl before letting go of her and letting her walk out

She turned around and saw me looking at her and smirked at me to which. Obviously blushed at but i mean come on who wouldn't.

"Another night another girl i see"lili said as he tied her hair in a scrunchie

"Routine check"mads said as she ripped up the girls number

"Oh believe me i heard it all actually in fact I've heard it every night for a week straight"lili said annoyed and at this moment i just felt like butting in "lili i agree I've hardly been able to sleep its getting beyond a joke now mads go back to their dorm cos we have had enough'' i said whilst getting out of bed and walking over to my desk to study for my test tomorrow

"Oh nessa are you jealous it's them and not you"she said approaching me

"Of course not i have self respect"I responded trying my very best to lie as i sat on my chair and grabbed my phone of the charger

"Oh yes of course you do"she sad lowly in my ear whilst her arms snaked round my neck and her tongue licked my lobe

"Ugh please don't fatter yourself'i scoffed whilst moving her arms , i felt her step back and i immediately missed her essence , that smell of cigarettes and cherries that lingered in the air along with her grin i could never get out of my head

It was now later in the day , the days here feel as though they took 476 hours instead of 24. My loneliness was slowly eating me up inside and making my anxiety 10 times worse. I had spent the duration of mos my days thinking about how much easier life was before i got here. I had friends that i treasured and don't get me wrong i love cami lili and Ashley but there just not the girls from back home i have a best friend called jaya but we had a friend group that i will never be able to replace.

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