Chapter 2 : Revenge?

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/Smiley's POV\

We were preparing for first period, suddenly, I realized Grayson was missing. I was worried, so I was going to look around for her, but Phil stopped me.

Where are you going, Smiley?
Phil asked me.

Well Grayson seems to be missing, and I need to find him! You can't stop me Phil.

Phil had a 'okay jeez' look on his face as I started searching, when suddenly 5 and his partner, Kaleb came walking out in the direction I was going, having red stuff, probably blood on their hands.

Don't tell me you two beat up Grayson, come on!

They stayed silent, pretending I didn't exist and walking past me.


It was horrifying. He was laying on the ground with blood everywhere as his chest was bleeding out.


I'd run over to him frowning, seeing if he was okay, then I held him in my arms and quickly ran back to Phil

/Phil POV\

Do you think Grayson's okay?

I'd look at Phred, hoping he actually heard what I just said and didn't ignore me.


I saw Smiley panicking with Grayson in her hands, running over to us, this is one of the rare times she is frowning.

Holy! Did 5 and his little brat friend do this to him?

Smiley simply nodded, feeling guilty that she didn't notice sooner.

I'll get my phone, make sure he's okay for me.

I'd search my backpack and get my phone out of it, calling for an ambulance

Hello? We need help, come to Riddle School, please!

I'd hung up after a second, looking at Smiley.

He's gonna be okay Smiley.

B-b-b-but he's badly injured!

Smiley, he's gonna live.

Phred was actually listening and surprisingly responded, offending Smiley.

Phred, you know she's-

The bells ring, first period has started, and the group is split on who will stay here to care for Grayson after his injuries.

Phil, Trust me just let me stay.

No! Go to class with them smiley, trust me for once.

As everyone goes to class but Phil, The ambulance comes and takes Grayson in a stretcher to the back, then it drives off.

I think I'm good to go.

Are you, EggyHeady?

A woman, h3ll, probably an alien was hiding somewhere watching me, I know it was the one from that text on my watch, as it's the same name, so I fearfully speak:

H-hello, who's there?

None of your business... until it is, of course!

Before I could reply to her, she says something else.

And trust me, it's not any of your business yet..

❝ who are you, an alien? Grayson's evil side? Tell me! ❞

❝❝ . . .

Phil sits there waiting for them to come out, totally forgetting class

Come ouuttt! I know you want to!


That's the only thing she said, no.

I'll just have to make you come out.

Phil started searching for anyone hiding, but had tough luck

You're lucky I have class.


Suddenly, there was a little shaking in one of the bushes. It seems that it's gone.


I'd look at the time, panicking, as it was 3 minutes after class, and I was wondering if I should skip, possibly ruining my life again with aliens. Then I thought:

I'm not dealing with aliens again.

And rushed to class before I was going to be put in a meat grinder by some random alien, or h3ll, anyone!


You're probably wondering who the person is in the bushes.

You'll find out hopefully next chapter :)

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