•Chapter 2• Into the Unknown

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Snow was coming down in small clusters onto your now pink face, soft crunching of fresh layers on the ground underneath each step you took gave a nice ambiance from the silence of what was unknown to your being. Following the small nook out of the crash site made for a short walk to take a moment for yourself and think over the events that had happened too quickly for you to process. Few thermal lilys lined the walls of the space, helping lend some heat to your already freezing body, you thought it would be best to cut your thinking time short and hurry to find an entrance to the water.

After speeding up your walking pace it didn't take long for a body of water to appear in your line of sight. Walking closer to get a better look, this simple body of water lead out into a large ocean. Although you knew the planet was covered in large depths of uncharted territory, the thought didn't fail to be provoking. Jumping head first into the water was the last thing you wanted to do, so in order to combat this fear you shut your eyes tightly, sucking in a large breath of air and canon balled straight in, what you couldn't see couldn't hurt you. After a large splash and feeling your body be completely submerged you decided to take a small look at your surroundings, slightly opening up your eye you were immediately hit with bright blues and purples. It was almost blinding at first but once able to adjust to the area and fully open your eyes you were in awe with the life here. Flora decorated the ocean floor to make a beautiful scenery, indigenous life swam around peacefully as if your abrupt entrance into there home had never happened. A relatively large fish with one eye swam around you with ease, even taking a moment to look you suspiciously in the face before darting off once again, you wished to explore the area thoroughly and view all the possible life in this biome, but leaving Robin to wait for you anymore would worry her. You swim up to the surface to catch your breath before diving back under to finally find the drop-pod.

The hatch opened up relatively easy, allowing you to step in and breath again. Robin was waiting inside seated on the ground, scrolling through her PDA aimlessly, once you had entered she looked up and put away her device, getting up and crossing her arms.

"What took so long? I literally explored a bit and got a few supplies while you were out." She was displeased with your time management but didn't press the matter anymore. Instead pulling back out her PDA and scrolling to look up materials that they needed.

"We need to get stuff for a scanner, I also was able to gather enough titanium to make us oxygen tanks. it's nothing too great but enough to let us stay down for a good minute or 2. You can go look around for yourself, I'm sure you've been dying to anyways!" She handed you an oxygen tank and mask, seemingly proud of her ability to craft up all this stuff already. She grinned and put on her equipment in a few movements.

You felt bad that she did all this herself, but couldn't help but laugh at how pleased Robin was with herself. "Thank you. I'll make sure to get some things while I'm out!"

"It's no problem, (Y/N)! I'm going to try and explore out more, if you need anything feel free to let me know over the mic system!" She tapped her mask to signify that the mic was inside of it.

You look inside of your mask and are able to locate the mic inside, tapping it to make sure it was in place before putting it on along with your tank. "Of course! Just, try not to get into any trouble with the fauna here. I would hate to get a distress call from you a day into being here." you tease slightly, Robin giggling a bit at your claim and landed a soft punch to your arm.

"I can't promise you anything! Now I'm gonna head out, take your time with exploring what you'd like!" Robin opened up the hatch and nodded to you before leaving the pod. You decide to leave a bit after her, making sure all your equipment was in place, opening up the drop-pod hatch into unknown waters.

!NEW REWRITE OUT! •~Unknown Specimen~• (Al-an x Reader Subnautica BZ)Where stories live. Discover now