•Chapter 1• Welcome to 4546b!

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"I'm gonna miss you two." Called Cal's voice from the shuttle computer.

This is really it. It had been at least what? A year or 2 since the news of Sam's death, all the preparation and plans that have had you and your friend locked away for so long have lead to this moment. Your close friend Robin sat at the driver's side seat of the space craft, you occupying the passenger's side.

"We'll find our way back." Robin responded quickly, instantly putting the vehicle in motion as the words left her lips.

The ship shot out into the vastness of space, carefully gliding a long the side of an astroid shower, everything just as it was supposed to go. The closer we reached the planets surface the more anticipation set in. This mission was serious and there was one goal in mind, to find out what really happened to Sam. But a part of you was quite excited to venture unknown territories as well.

~"Approaching 4546B. Surface temperature is-"~

Before the computer's voice could finish one of the astroids the ship was cruising next to crashed into the side of us, lot's of sparks and pieces of metal flew off the machine and sent us flying away from course. Robin did everything in her power to keep us steered in the right direction, clearly struggling with the controls. Before any words were said the ship hit the ground loudly, sliding across the icey floor to an unsatisfying halt. You let out a loud breath that had been held in out of sheer terror, Robin stood up quickly and went straight for the door, attempting to open it normally with no success, turning to just kicking the door down and dragging you out along with her.

~Drop-pod deployed. Welcome to 4546B. Enjoy your stay!~

"Holy smokes! that did NOT go as planned." Robin seemed to say more to herself then you. Rubbing the side of her head slowly, staring at the now unusable hunk of metal in front of her.

"It's better then crashing directly into the water, perhaps we can still fix it?" You say hopefully, nudging Robin playfully. She smiled and looked from you back to the ship.

"I suppose we could try and find some-" The shuttle apparently decided that our plan was no good, choosing to explode in a bright ball of flames and send all the supplies inside flying out. Robin shut her mouth and turned fully away from the explosion to face you.

"I think we should cut our losses, gather everything we can from here and get to the drop-pod. I'll find a way into the water if you can grab everything!" Robin seemed optimistic, although you're pretty sure it's more of a way to cope then actual optimism. You gave a nod and simple thumbs up, Robin had a small cheery smile, letting you off with a quick pat on the back to go explore outside of the little crash site.

"Cut our losses." You repeat back to yourself, deciding to finally trudge along to gather up everything already slightly hidden by snow and head in the same direction as Robin before the cold got to you.

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