•Chapter 5• Salutations

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You were finishing up the little project you had been working on since Robin left to go explore, she had been gone for quite awhile but you had been too busy collecting supplies for a small base to really notice. Of course her absence slightly worried you but it never really clicked how much time had passed, you had finally decided to go and explore a few biomes to really look for some good supplies. Already having been to the arctic kelp forest, the sparse arctic, and part of the thermal spires. Of course you passed up twisty bridges happily, not only was it uncomfortably deep, but the fact you could maybe get murdered almost 300 ft under the ocean by a brute shark was not a fruit for thought. Thermal spires has its fair share of aggressive fauna, cryptosuchus's basically hanging out in every part of the biome, but being closer to the surface made you feel a little better about being there. You had chosen a spot right in between where the twisty bridges, kelp forest, and thermal spires met, having good access to 3 different biomes for resources. You wanted to make up to Robin for her doing basically all the work in the beginning, having built you your oxygen tank and gathering supplies, so you not only built a relatively small starter base, you had managed to find the blueprints for a sea truck and gather the stuff for it. It was parked right on the side of your little base, which really wasn't anything impressive yet, the base consists of one multipurpose room with a hatch and solar panel attached. You really needed to go back and gather up more things to decorate the inside as well, all that was inside the base was a fabricator, and 2 basic lockers. It looked rather sad actually, after opening up the hatch to step inside you really noticed all that was missing and could be added. You also didn't even have a moon pool for the sea truck nor the blue prints for it, all the work you put into this small area and still so much needed to be done. You cross your arms and look around slightly disappointed, before you could just leave you realized that letting Robin know the location of the new base was really important, putting that little mic system to good use, you looked into your oxygen mask and brought up the mic to your face, not wanting to fully put the mask on just to talk.

Robin had been swimming rather slowly to allow her new partner to take his time making there way through the tall walls of the crowded area, those oxygen plants were basically the only things she was relying on at this point as Al-an trudged along, he wasn't exactly able to swim very well, he could propel himself off the sea floor for a few seconds but with the weight of his body he would just float right back down. Robin couldn't think of what to do, these oxygen plants wouldn't last her long enough to sit here and watch Al-an struggle to attempt an escape from this inconveniently tall biome. They seem to be able to teleport short distances, jumping up onto the large bridge like structures that covered the biome making for a easy surface to stand on, although this was extremely useful for traveling up, the more he did it the weaker they seemed to appear, Robin had guessed that such an ability would have it's limit. They had managed to make it up about 100 meters from the surface, but Al-an could not seem to make it any further, they were extremely tired with the traveling he had already done, he's lucky that breathing under water isn't an issue for him or else everyone would be doomed.

°"Robin?"° The mic system spoke out into the mask and echoed into her ears, scaring her half to death before realizing what it was.

"(Y/N)? Sorry I've been gone for so long! I hadn't even thought about it, I've been er- slightly busy." Robin spoke out into the mic, looking to Al-an who had taken a seat to catch his 'breath' for a minute.

°"I don't mind, it gave me a lot of time to build up a small base and a sea truck, it still needs some work but-" Before (Y/N) could finish her sentence she could hear Robin gasp loudly, worried that something had happened she listened in closely.

"You built a sea truck!? (Y/N) you have no idea how convenient that is!" Robin announced happily, hoping that the plan she had in mind would work.

"Is it? What's so important that you need it, do you need me to come take it to you?" (Y/N) asked curiously, only imagining that Robin needed it to explore deeper safely.

"Yes! It would be great help if you could bring it over, just don't get too freaked out ok?" Not elaborating on what it was that (Y/N) would be freaked out by.

"...Huh? Do you have a specimen or some sort of item that would be considered 'freaky'?" She sounded genuinely concerned, not only because of Robin's wording, but for Robin's safety.

"Uh." She once again looked over to Al-an, who curiously watched Robin speaking to what appeared no one, he wanted to ask but decided to wait until she was finished.

"You could say that, but I can assure you that it is fine! Just, really unexpected. I'll fill you in when you get here, I'm in twisty bridges I'll send my location." Once finished with her conversation she swam to the surface to catch her breath before returning to Al-an.

"Who was it that you were speaking to? I did not see nor sense a presence." He asked, looking to Robin for an answer.

"Hm? Oh it's a friend, she's gonna help us get out of here so you can save the rest of your energy!" Al-an was confused with this answer, his normal purple hue mixing with a bit of yellow.

"Friend. Is that a term your species uses for 'partner?" They couldn't seem to wrap there head around the word, trying to scavenge through his knowledge to figure it out but to no avail.

"Well, it's more used to describe someone your close with. I've known (Y/N) since like forever! So I guess you could say a friend is someone you can trust." Pleased with her description she smiled.

"Would I consider you and (Y/N) a 'friend' as well?" He tipped his head to the side, deciding whether he could use this word or not.

"You can consider anyone a friend, it's really up to you!" Before Al-an could really decide a large vehicle pulled up beside the two of them, coming to a halt. The top door opened up and out popped (Y/N). She was looking at Robin yet hadn't seemed to notice the giant centaur resting on the floor behind her.

"Found you, I brought the truck like you asked. Now what is it that you need it for?" Your eyes scanned around, finally taking interest in the figure behind Robin, swimming over and peeking using Robin as a barrier between yourself and whatever it was. Robin laughed and moved out of the way to be beside you. A mixed look of wonder, fear, confusion, and awe rested on your face, Al-an appeared to stare back just as interested with the new human.

"Woah. Is that one of the Precursors?!" You whisper yelled to Robin, you would love to get a closer look at the being but was extremely intimidated by his form.

Robin simply nodded, happy to see you weren't just in fear at the sight of another life form. You wave shyly at Al-an, not being able to think of any other way to greet them. Al-an held his stare, not understanding what it is that you were doing, he thought to copy your action, waving his hand in the same position as you.

"You two are gonna figure each other out eventually! I'm glad that this went over smoothly." Robin clasped her hands together happily, looking over to you.

"Now you think you can give me a hand with getting Al-an inside the truck?" You stared at her like she was insane.

"Al-an. Is that there name? I don't think there's gonna be enough room for him to fit inside the sea truck, plus have someone else pilot it let alone all of us." Robin was holding a awkward worried smile to you, keeping her hands together with big eyes.

".... Fine. I'll keep out of the truck while you take him back."

!NEW REWRITE OUT! •~Unknown Specimen~• (Al-an x Reader Subnautica BZ)Where stories live. Discover now