़ Chapter Two ं

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"I got it." Damon said to Bonnie as they fought over who got to push the cart. Bonnie gave up and grabbed the list.

"Okay we need strawberries, eggs, milk and, ooh candles" She says as she takes a white candle off the shelf and puts it in the cart.

"I know it's been a while, but you can't do magic as and anchor, so I'm curious what momentary lapse of reason that makes you think you can do it now." Damon question as we turn the corner.

"You know when all this started you sucked at making pancakes an now they're somewhat edible. Wouldn't you agree Ella?"

I just nodded as we past the milk isle remembering it was on the list I said


"There's no reason to be Peter Pessimistic." Bonnie says to Damon about his attitude.

Bonnie grabs a pair of blue sunglasses and puts them on, the grabs two more for me and Damon.

"We have proof were not alone."

"First of all," Damon says as he puts the milk in the cart.

"Don't nickname that's my thing."

He says as he snatched one of the two other pairs of glasses Bonnie has in her hand, I also take one.

"And this proof is seriously filled in crossword could have been filled in by you or Ella."

"We didn't fill it in." I said getting a little annoyed at the act he doesn't believe us.

"No you don't know you filled it in you also don't know you talk in your sleep. Eggs" I grab the eggs out of the freezer

"What are you saying, are you saying she sleep crosswords?"

"I'm saying it makes more sense than the alternative." Damon takes his glasses off

"I get what you're doing." Bonnie says

"What am I doing?" Damon asks

"You refuse to have hope that you'll see Elena again so you don't have to be disappointed."

I refuse to have hope because there's nothing to have hope for."

"Pork Rinds." Bonnie says

"Not on the list and eww." Damon replies

"No Damon,"Bonnie says with attitude

"There were pork reins here on the shelf.
There've been pork reins here on every shopping trip we had for the past four months!" I realize it too and none of us like Pork Rinds they suck, Damon just nods. Coming from outside I hear something like carnival music.

"Wait guys do you here that?"

Bonnie nods and we walk out of the store looking for where its coming from when we see a merry go round.

Bonnie looks to Damon with a smirk and says "Mhh here that Damon? That's what hope sounds like." Damon opens the control panel

"There must be a short, faulty wiring something." Damon says refusing to be hopeful

"Or someone put a quarter in it, turned it on." I say as I twirl around the little kiddie ride.

"Ya know I'm a little confused, all this misplaced hope you two have... Alright let's just say there's someone here, how do you know we're gonna get out?" Damon says still hopeless.

Bonnie replies "Well you say this is your hell right? If there's someone else here that means this is not your hell and if its not your hell that means Grams put us here, and if Grams put us here, there's a way out." She is very hopeful I'm actually surprised she's still this upbeat after four months of nothingness

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