़ Chapter Six ं

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"Do you think all this food will ever get bad? I mean I know we're living the same day and all, but it's not like if you move something it will be back where it was the day before... Or I guess it'd be the same day practically, but you know what I mean right?"

"Yes I know what you mean. And no the food does not spoil. If it did spoil, it would have twenty years ago." He sounds a bit bored of me. I hope he's not, he's the only person here.

"Oh. Right. Forgot about that sorry."

"What do we need to get again?" Kai asked.

"We need flour, yeast, salt, sugar, olive oil, tomato sauce, and shredded mozzarella cheese."


"Yep. Oh we also need some Pepsi."

"Well of course! Who can live without Pepsi?"

As we pass the dairy section I get the cheese. Kai stops right in front of me to get the vanilla ice cream. I didn't put it on the list, but he's learned it's my favorite and it's great to eat when we're watching old cheesy movies that we've seen a thousand times. Since he got ice cream we might as well get whipped cream so I get three cans. What? I like whipped cream.... A lot. On our way to the next isle I grab the pork rinds because I know he likes them. In the next isle is the soda. As we walk up to it I grab the Pepsi when I notice the root beer. Well we have ice cream and whipped cream, if we get root beer we could make some bomb root beer floats and get some popcorn.

"Root beer too?" I ask.

"Are we making Root beer floats?"

"If we get the root beer."

"Well then yes. Do you want some popcorn too?"

"That's what I was thinking."

"K, get the root beer, I'll get the popcorn and we're out of here buddy." I quietly laugh at his outdated slang as he runs to the other side of the store to get the popcorn.By the time I put the root beer in the cart he's back with kettle corn.

"Ooo, kettle corn's much better to have with root beer floats than buttery popcorn." I say.

"Thought you'd prefer it."

I guess you can say that from our little bit of time of being alone together here, we become what you call 'friends'. I know it's crazy because he's crazy, I mean he killed almost his entire family for power... And I watched him try to kill my friends, and me. But I guess I have a thing for befriending psychopaths. Maybe I'm starting to become a psychopath. I wouldn't doubt it, I've been stuck in here with no one but a crazy serial killer. Oh well, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.

Omg wait I'm updating!? I know I know I haven't updated in a billion years blah blah blah, but heeyyyy how y'all been? Hope you liked it! Also, I think I want there to be more chapters where normal things happen like grocery store trips and moves and stuff because realistically there wouldn't be a lot of drama if there's two people in a world alone. Obviously there would be times that Kai goes crazy, but especially in the show when its Bonnie and Kai it's a while before Kai goes crazy and leaves her, but tell me what you think. Should I make it be just them being all nice to each other before Kai goes crazy dick face? Tell me in the comments. love you.

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