़ Chapter Four ं

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"You're such a bitch. Can't you ever take a joke?"
"Fuck off psychopath." I have had enough of Kai Parker. It's been a week since Bonnie and Damon escaped the prison world and it was just me and Kai. He's extremely bipolar, sometimes he can be really nice actually, i found that out that first night in my room when he showed some actual sort of emotion of happiness, and it wasn't while he was killing someone. Other times though, he could be the most annoying prick on the planet, not that there is anyone else to compare him to here, but damn of you thought Rebekah was bipolar...
I was currently making dinner and he was sitting at the counter twirling a knife. I knew he wouldn't even try to touch me with it, he just likes to play with knives I guess. We had gone to my house because we didn't really have a reason to be in the boarding house anymore since Damon wasn't here.

"What are we having for dinner?" He asked in a polite tone. This is what I'm talking about he goes from being mean to me and calling me names to no attitude whatsoever and I just can't be mad at him after he goes back to being normal cause it seems like he can't remember what happened. I mean I'm sure he remembers fighting, but I don't think he remembers why or how it started, like he has a short term memory loss. We were fighting because he was being mean about Bonnie saying things like "She seems like a slut." Or "How is someone even so stupid they can't remember how to do magic?" And it was getting on my nerves. I didn't answer.

"Oh c'mon you know I didn't mean it." I still didn't budge. Out of everything that has happened since we've met all the fights we've been in since the Bamon duo left, he never said sorry. Not once has he ever said sorry to me. He's probably never said it in his entire life.

"Ella please." I was starting to feel bad because when he's not angry and violent it's almost like he has feelings, but they usually seem to be feelings of pain. I wouldn't talked to him until he said sorry though. And he actually has to mean it.


"I'm sorry." He walked away after saying what I needed to hear to stop being mad at him. He said it. He finally said it. He didn't even say sorry when he shot Bonnie with an arrow and almost didn't make it out. I had to push her under the light of the eclipse.

I followed after him. He sounded like he meant it, but I needed to make sure, I found him in the spare room sitting on the edge of the bed with a hand holding his head on his knee.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He didn't reply or even turn to look at me.

"Kai?" He still didn't reply. I sat next to him on the bed facing his back he still didn't look at me. Now I felt bad for calling him an ass hole, he's not one. He just doesn't exactly know how to control his feelings. I think he gets confused of wen he should be happy and when he should be angry. He should always be happy though. Everyone should, Everyone deserves to be happy. I put a hand on his left shoulder.

"Kai, please look at me."

"But you're mad at me." He said in a hurt tone.
"I'm not mad at you anymore Kai. I promise." He's like a little kid in some ways, like how he's not able to control his feelings, and when you're happy, he's happy when your mad, he's mad. Kids don't know when they should feel what do they look to others to know how they should act. This is how Kai was. I was sad because he wouldn't talk to me and he knows I'm sad, so he is too.

"Yes you are. I know you are."

I started laughing. There was no reason to but if he thinks I'm happy, he'll be happy. He turned around to look had me. I kept laughing. He looked so confused at first because he didn't know why I was so happy. Soon enough he started laughing and said
"What are you laughing for?"

"I'm just happy, see?" I said as I stop laughing, but I kept smiling. He finally got that I wasn't mad anymore and did something I didn't expect; He hugged me.

I sat there for a second confused, but I hugged him back. It was sort of awkward at first but it got really comfortable. He soon pulled away and just kept smiling at me, like a little boy. I guess it was cause I was still smiling.

I soon remembered I was still making dinner and my smile was gone. He stopped smiling confused of why I stopped. I got up and ran back downstairs he followed.

"Ella wait! What's wrong?" He said thinking I was running away from him, but I knew he got why I did when he entered the kitchen and smelt a smell of burning coming from the oven. There was smoke coming out and I remembered I had garlic bread in there to go with his favorite food which was still not cooked, it was spaghetti. Even though I was mad at him when I was making the food, he's the only one who actually needs to eat, so why not make what he wants.
I ran towards the oven quickly pulling out the bread which was now black. I didn't even grab an oven mitt, I didn't need one of my hands would heal after I put the blistering hot pan. My hands were now burnt and bloody and blistered, and it hurt really bad. Kai rushed to me covering me hands in his as I was bent down screaming because of the pain.

"Are you okay!?" He asked worried. I groaned in pain, he shushed me and nuzzled his head into my neck in a comforting way and just held me. He just stayed that way with his hands holding mine and his head buried in my neck. He moved back away from my body but still had my hands in his, he looked at me.
"It was a stupid thing to touch that without gloves. You know that right?"


"Wait. How come you're not healing?" He asked looking at my hands. I looked up at him with a hurt and scared lock on my face.

"I don't know."

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