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(Y/n) woke up this morning earlier than usual. She decided to take a quick shower, have a little breakfast and then leave for work. Her sweet smelling (h/c) hair wasn't tied up today, it was loose because there wasn't a strong wind which would ruin it.

The sun was shining, the birds chirps were being heard and all in all was it a nice atmosphere.
Spring was her favorite season after all, especially because you aren't sweating or freezing your ass off. There is no need for more or less clothing, just maybe a regular shirt and pants.

The day went by very well. It was the usual. She served costumers, she worked in the kitchen and she joked around with her co-workers.

"(Y/n), do you mind if I leave earlier today? You know I hate to leave you alone but my sister asked me to babysit her daughter because she's got an appointment and everybody else is busy." her co-worker Hakkai asked as both of them were washing the dishes.

"I understand that, of course you can leave earlier." she softly spoke. In response, he hugged her thankfully and went to pack his stuff. They've got a good relationship as they were more like friends than two people who work at the same place.

"But be cautios, kids can be very unexpectable. Don't get yourself killed, I can't keep this place up alone." (Y/n) joked.

"I promise I'll try. See you tomorrow" he said and left, causing the bell on the door to ring.

A few seconds later, the bell on the door rang again, signalizing somebody just entered the café.

(Y/n) finished her work in the kitches and shouted "Did you forget something, Hakkai?".
"Actually, I didn't" a familiar male voice responded, causing her to smile. It was the man that had told her to come back today. She got out of the kitchen and was being greeted by a pleasing smile. He was wearing a black shirt and pants, making him look serious.

"So I see you've waited for me, huh?"

"Maybe I did. So how can I help you today?" she asked him.

He let out a little laugh, looking right into her eyes."You can help me by letting me walk you home today, beautiful." He winked at her.
There was it again. The same wink from yesterday.

She took a breath and answered quickly: "Okay, give me three minutes to get ready". She started to pack her stuff, since the café's work was done.

"Wait, really? No but's?" he wondered. He really expected her to argue a bit, even just to question his request. That does not mean that he wasn't satisfied with her answer.

"No but's. Also, I'm ready let's go." She took her bag and both of them left the café. (Y/n) locked the door and they made their way down the street, chitchatting about this and that.

"Don't you think it is a bit unfair that you know my name but I do not know yours yet, you gentleman?" She questioned, turning her head to look at his face.

He giggled; "Oh I deeply apologize m'lady. The name's Sanzu Haruchiyo but you can call me Sanzu of course."

He put his arm around her, making the two of them walk closer next to each other.
"Sanzu, Sanzu, Sanzu...I really like that name. It is beautiful, don't you think?" (Y/n) admitted.

"Of course it is beautful if it comes out of a mouth like yours." he said in a flirting tone.

Now if this ain't romantic. Walking home in the sunset, close to an unbelievably attractive man like him. Of course (Y/n) enjoyed it. Yes, she does know him for one day but how do you enjoy life if you do not take any risks? Plus the last time she had anything going in her love life was when she was 18, but did not end well.

To summarize it, she was deeply in love with her boyfriend at that time and so was he. He was involved in many crimes but she never seemed to care, since that did not change her feelings. One day, he suddendly broke up with her and left the city. She never saw him again. Tragic, isn't it?
But let's get back to this love story.

The two of them seemed to enjoy their little walk a lot, it seemed almost like it was too good to be true. But that is what it was.
Too good to be true.

"You know I thought that you would not agree to my offer becau-" a shouting man interrupted Sanzu mid-sentence.

"There you are, Bontens executive number 2. You really thought you're slick huh? I'll fuck you up, Sanzu! Go get him guys!"

(Y/n) did not even have any time to question or what the fuck was happening right now. In just a second a group of men were running towards their direction. Sanzu took her hand and started to run as fast as he could through the streets of Roppongi. In his other hand was a gun, with which he was defending (Y/n) and himself, shooting the men behind him.

After a few minutes, he managed to lose them by hiding in a dead end behind a bin.
"Fuck." He breathed out. He was clearly exhausted. "I should've known it. I should'nt have gotten you into trouble like this. And now you also found out my true identity. I am doomed."

What in god's name was this man talking about. True identity? Doomed? Trouble? A GUN? Lots and lots of question went through (Y/n)'s mind.

"I can't let you go now tho. You are coming with me to the hideout." Sanzu took her hand and ran towards a car which seemed to be his.

Sitting now in his car, driving through places she has never been before, especially after whatever just happened, (Y/n) started to question him; "Sanzu, what the fuck is going on? Where are you taking me? What do you mean by true identity?!"

He took a deep breath and started to explain her everything in detail. It does not happened every day that a big criminal opens up about everything he hides ,such as deals and crimes, to a girl he has known for two days. But at this moment, that was not the only questionable thing.

Arriving at the Bonten hideout, which was a huge luxorious place disguised as the headquarter of a big technological company, he drove though the entrance, which was protected by a big gate that lead to an underground garage. (Y/n) could swear she has never seen so much security before. These fuckers were rich, they probably have got some money mastermind in their gang.

As the two of them got out of the parked car, Sanzu took her hand and told her: "Whatever happens inside there, do not get scared. As long as I am by your side, you'll be safe. Do you trust me, (Y/n)?"

She nodded, looked him unsure in the eyes and the two of them went inside.

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