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Woken up by the sun shining right into her face, (Y/n) opened her eyes and found herself in the bed of her so called 'boyfriend'. Sanzu was already up, dressed and fixing his tie infront of the mirrow. His hair was still a bit messy, he probably hadn't brushed it yet.

Their eyes met as he turned around to look for her. "Good morning, (Y/n)." he said calmly. "Morning, Sanzu." she mumbled back in a sleepy voice.

He took a seat next to her. "You were already asleep when I came back yesterday night, so I didn't get to tell you the outcome of mine and Mikey's talk... . He decided to not do anything, since you're my girlfriend and he's convinced that I wouldn't go around, telling a random girl about my secrets. You have to stay here tho, because Mikey is not interested in risking our underground activities to get to the police."

(Y/n) sat up quickly and looked at him wide-eyed: "What do you mean by 'stay here'? What about my job and my apartment? I can't just randomly move in here after I've known you two days?! Plus we're not dating and you know that. Don't you think that the truth will come to light some day?" She was truely in shock. Move in? He must've lost his mind. She doesn't even know if he's being truthful to her. Maybe all of it is just a big lie to force her to do things for them or as Mikey said, get rid of her.
Sanzu is a criminal after all.

He sighed and stood up. "I knew you'd react like this, but please try to think about it. What other options do you have? Escape and live in the fear that Mikey will kill you? Tell me, what is your plan now, (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) lowered her head. She hated that he was right. What other options did she have? This was one of these moments in life where you just have to get along with the current situation. Just the exception that this situation wasn't like any other one she had ever experienced.

"Alright. I'll give it a shot. But do not think that there won't be any rules or boundries." She looked up to him with an annoyed face, causing him to giggle as a reply.

Her answer satisfied him. He was never a fan of argumenting back and forth and especially not one of conflict. The reason's that Sanzu himself's very stubborn. When he thinks he is right, he will not give in and not in any exception change his mind. That's why he liked it when people didn't talk back and just agreed.

"Okay princess, then get ready because breakfast's almost ready." She stood up and went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. Sanzu had already prepared one for her, oh how thoughtful of him.
Luckily, the clothes she wore yesterday were freshly washed, she didn't have to worry about clothes for now. After she had finished up, her and Sanzu left the room and walked down the hallway together.

A lot was going through her mind right now she tried to focus on staying calm at the breakfast. The thought of sitting at a table with 9 grown men you do not even know well enough was terrifying. The only  thing she could tell herself  "I'll just have to get through this."

The dining room was right next to the lounge and it was quite huge. Everything was already prepared, the choice of food was unbelievable. It looked like the breakfast in those american teen movies where the kids have got the whole supermarket on the table but proceed to take one croissant and run off to school. The other 8 men were already sat, two free seats left for her and Sanzu.
Howerever, they hadn't started to eat yet as they were waiting for the two fake lovebirds. I guess criminals do somehow have got manners.

"Good morning, everbody." she smiled nervously and they greeted her back. The first few minutes of the breakfast went very well. There were a few chitchats but she didn't participate in them as they were about things she did not know about. All she did was eating the delicious food peacefully. Atleast until somebody talked to her.

"So (Y/n), how long have you and Sanzu been together? He has never mentioned you before, you know." the one with the black hair and white streaks spoke. Appearantly, he goes by the name 'Koko'.

"Huh?" she looked up to him as her mouth was stuffed with bread. Eat slowly girl, the food's not going to run off. She had a reason tho for her behaviour, which is that she hadnt eaten for over 15 hours.

"Four months actually", Sanzu answered. " I just thought it wasn't worth mentioning since it is not period of time."

"I asked the lady, not you fuckface." Koko replied, causing Sanzu to growl in anger. He had a really short temper and was seconds away from cursing Koko and his family. (Y/n) put her hand on his shoulder, signalizing him that he should calm down. A fight's usually not the best way to start the day.

She gathered all her courage and mumled in a slightly nervous voice: "Actually, I decided that we should not tell other people of our relationship since it is something the two of us only share. I did not see the importance in telling others, especially since it has been only four months."

They all looked at her in silence, an awkward silence. One of the guys finally broke the ice after a few seconds by slightly leaning over to (Y/n) and asking her in an intimidating tone: "Are you scared of us, (Y/n)?". His eyes were darkened and he looked her dead-serious in the eyes. She felt like her soul being soaked up by him.

"Huh, what? No, uh, I'm totally not scared!! Why should I be-" she stuttered but he did not even let her finish.
"THAT IS RIGHT. There is no reason to be scared of us! I mean we may seem intimidating and maybe we commit the most horrible crimes you can think of but in reality we are the lovliest people ever! Especially me, Haitani Ran, as I am the purest soul on this planet. So feel free to be as comfortable around us as you can be." He stated with a huge smile on his face

Woah. She did not except this. She could've sworn that he was about to pull out a gun and shoot her bur instead, he's puking flowers. Tho, she's not quite sure if he's actually nice or just in love with himself. But his very meaningful speech has done it's purpose, he has calmed her down and given her a bit of self-confidence that she should have whilst sitting at breakfast with Japan's highest criminals.

So as reply, she smiled and nodded. The other guys questioned her a bit about her persona and she questioned them back, getting to know them a little bit. This went on for the whole breakfast. She enjoyed telling them about herself, her past,  and her work. They were good listeners and enjoyed her passionate talks -and so did she.

In conclusion, (Y/n)'s first breakfast ever with 'Bonten' went greater than she had expected and deeply inside her heart, she was already excited for the next breakfast-talk tomorrow.

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