Finn sharkey

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I had been in school for around 3 hours now and it was time for lunch.
I was meeting with my boyfriend Finn in the yard.
I saw him a gave him a hug not letting go as he wraps his arms around me.
"Hey babe you ok"he says comfortingly as I sniffle my eyes saw and my head pounding.
I shake my head which is on his chest I feel his hand gently lift my head up.
"What's up" he asks
" feel like crap" I say stuffily
"Have you taken pain killers yet"
I just shake my head placing it back on his chest I hear him sigh and he starts stroking my hair.
The bell rings and we head to French hand in hand my clogged throat making it hard to breathe.

Time skip cause I'm lazy
I sit at a table in the canteen my food in front of me as Finn,Lauren,sam and my brother sit down all greeting me "feeling any better y/n"josh(my brother) asks I just shake my head and put it on my arms which are lying on the table.
Lauren pats my back sympathetically suddenly I feel the need to cough so I sit up and cough into my arm and face away from them.
After around a 2 minute coughing fit I turn back around and Finn looks at me worrying about my health I place my arms on the table the pad of my hands pressing into my eyes trying to stop the pounding in my head.

Suddenly my dad comes up to our table to talk to josh about his test and how he was proud of him he looks over and his eyebrows furrow
"Y/n you alright sweetheart" he asks his voice laced in concern
I look up at him " no I don't feel well dad" I say my eyes tearing up
He walks to my side of the table and places his hand on my head his face showing worry as he pulls his hand away " you do feel warm tell me what's wrong"
"My head is banging, my eyes sting like a bitch and my throat is that clogged I can hardly breathe" I say
He nods and tells me if I still feel like this last lesson to go to the common room.

The bell goes signalling the end of lunch we stand and go to mrs fry's class cooking.
I stand next to Finn we both have aprons on as we get given the ingredients to make our cake.
Finn was mixing I was measuring when I get a sharp pain in my head making it hurt to open my eyes I place my hands on the counter breathing heavily Finn looks at me and strokes my back asking me what was wrong and if I'm ok knowing deep down he already knows the answer.
I groan in pain mrs fry look over telling me to sit down slowly people start putting they're attention on us as I double over holding my head kneeling on the floor Finn following still reassuring me
"Josh go and get your dad"mrs fry's shouts making the pounding worse.
Josh runs out the room coming back with my dad as he makes his way over "y/n come hun I'm taking you to the doctor" he whispered sweetly
"Can Finn come please dad" I ask pleading
" sorry he can't he's got to stay here but he can see you later when he comes for tea yeah"
I nod taking my apron off Finn helping me stand as dad takes me to his car stopping a few times so I can cough or have a break.

We walk into the hospital and dad sits me down as he goes to the nurse at reception
Who takes us to a room where the doctor does a check up.
"Where going to do some tests and scans just to be safe ok" my dad nods and so do I

Time skip:
We are waiting for the doctor to come back with the results both waiting anxiously.
When the door opens we look up
" we have found the problem y/n you have a brain aneurysm due to high blood pressure we need to operate as soon as possible" he says
" I'll give you a few minutes to talk ad contact family to let them know what is happening" he says as he leaves the room.
I look at dad scared when grabs me and hugs me tight telling me it's going to be ok.
He gets his phone out and leaves the room for a second.

Toms pov:
I dial Josh's number to let him know what is going on and tell him to notify the rest of their friends.

Y/ns pov:
The doctor comes back in after dad tells me that josh and the others know he takes me down to theatre and put me to sleep as they start the operation.

My eyes fluttered open as I see my dad and josh asleep in the sofa in the room but I look to my left to see Finn asleep holding my hand I smile and tap his hand to wake him up he wakes up with a jolt as he looks at me and kisses me gently
"I'm so glad you're ok I don't know what I would have done if you weren't I love you" he says with tears in his eyes
" I love you to finney" I reply

The end

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