A curse. That's what it was. At least he thought it was.
Zachary Willowbrook looked at himself with regret. Zachary was special. This was what his mother always told him. But why did it have to happen? Zachary didn't know. All he knew is that it happened.
One might even argue that what Zachary was born with was a gift. Going back to the beginning, Zachary Willowbrook was born on February 29, 2004 in the city of Nimbleburg, Ohio. It was not apparent then that there was anything wrong with Zachary.
Upon leaving the hospital, Zachary was a normal child. His mother was so excited to have her first child. The father was especially proud, since he would be able to have a son to raise.
As the time passed, it was then that they noticed that something was different about Zachary. This occurred about a month later, in the evening.
The mother approached the phone.
The father shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "What's the problem, Stacy?"
Stacy began to sniff, and wiped away a tear. "Davy, our child is not normal."
David frowned. Even though he preferred the name David, she still called him "Davy". Looking at the worry in his wife's face, he decided that tonight was not the night to argue. "What do you mean he's not normal?"
"Haven't you seen him? It's been one month since we took him home from the hospital, and he doesn't look any more than a week old!"
"Just give it some time, honey. Maybe there is some kind of delay in his development."
Stacy placed the phone back on the receiver. "I hope you're right, Davy. He'll surely grow in the next few months, won't he?"
Three more months passed. There were several more sleepless nights, with each parent taking turns tending to Zachary. One sleepless night in particular was nearing an important milestone.
David squinted his eyes and placed his hands over his ears. "Your turn. I tended to him last time."
Stacy staggered out of bed, almost unable to keep her eyes open. "No it's not." she yawned. "I changed him last time. It's your turn."
David closed his eyes and groaned. "He's crying now. You go see him. Stacy?"
The crying got louder.
David grabbed his wife and began shaking her. "Stacy! Wake up!"
Stacy awakened, her eyes wide open and squinting. "What? What is it?"
Stacy listened to the cry. "Oh. It's our son. Did you see him yet?"
"No. I thought it was your turn."
Stacy scowled. "Let's both see him!"
David sighed and quietly moaned. "But I'm tired...."
"So am I, Davy! Tired or not, we got to take care of Zachary."
Stacy, in her nightgown, put on her robe and grabbed David by the hand. He was wearing just a T-shirt and red briefs.
They ran to Zachary's room. From last time, Zachary didn't look much different. His face looked a little older, but that was about it.
Stacy picked Zachary up out of his crib and rocked him back and forth.
"What's wrong, Zacky wacky?"
Zachary looked at Stacy and smiled. "B-b-b-b....!....aa!"
David yawned. "Shouldn't we change him?"
Stacy shook her head. "No. I changed him an hour ago. He doesn't smell like he needs to be changed again, either."
Stacy sat Zachary back down in his crib. He was now falling asleep. Upon looking at him, she began to shake her head. "No...."

The Tale of Zachary Willowbrook: A Leap Day Paradox
General FictionZachary Willowbrook is no ordinary child. Born with a very rare medical condition on February 29th, Zachary's parents find that he is blessed with the gift of time. For every four years, Zachary only ages one year. How do others treat Zachary knowin...