Chapter 4: Katie's Weekend

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Katie was nervous. This was her first time ever babysitting a kid all alone. She felt better when she thought of her mom, who was only a short distance away. She'll be over if I have any problems....she thought. She then entered the living room, where Audrey was still watching TV. The pacifier was in Audrey's mouth. No surprise. "She walked over to Audrey. "Are you ready to have fun, Audrey? We're going to have a lot of fun this weekend. Just you wait...."

Audrey was now holding her pacifier. She looked up at her favorite cousin and smiled. "Katie!" She then walked over to her and gave her a big hug.

Katie laughed. "Let the fun begin, Audrey girl!"

And so it began. The fun began with Katie playing dolls with Audrey.

After a couple hours, it was time for lunch. Before Katie made lunch, she decided to change Audrey's diaper. This was hinted to her by Audrey, who kept saying "poopy" and "stinky". With that, she ran upstairs and gathered all the supplies. The baby wipes and the powder.

Katie gasped in horror and disgust as she opened up that diaper. "Ew?! Audrey....I think I'm going to throw up...." Katie held her breath as she threw away the wadded ball of stinkyness as fast as she could. She then cleaned Audrey, using as many wipes as necessary to accomplish this. She then enveloped the wad of wipes in a paper towel and threw them away.

After that, Katie reached to grab a fresh diaper, but it wasn't there. "That's right!" She gasped. "Dreamies...." She ran upstairs and opened up the package, taking one diaper out. She then ran back down and put it on Audrey. "Audrey, we need to get you out of these and into big girl underwear."

Audrey smiled. "I go in potty."

Katie frowned. "I'm afraid you're a little late on that, Audrey girl. We'll use it later, after your nap, okay?"

"I big girl....go in big girl potty."

Katie nodded. "Yes. We'll do that later, sweetie!"

After Katie clothed Audrey, she placed her next to the TV and let her watch cartoons while she made some lunch. She made Audrey a bowl of chicken noodle soup and some goldfish crackers. She poured some milk into a sippy cup and served the lunch to Audrey.

After lunch, Katie took Audrey upstairs and into her room. She put Audrey in her crib and covered her.

Audrey held out her hand and frowned. "My pacie! My pacie!"

Katie gasped, and ran downstairs. To her relief, it was sitting in the living room. She ran back upstairs and gave it to Audrey. "Here you go, Audrey. Have a nice nap."

Audrey tightened her grip on her pacifier. "Nice nap Katie!" She lied down, putting the pacifier in her mouth.

Katie left Audrey's room and closed the door. She then walked down the stairs and entered the living room. So far, so good....she thought.


Stacy took a deep breath and began pushing Zachary in his stroller down the rather crowded parking lot of the hospital. The sky in Miami was fair and a little hazy. Stacy was nervous. Where is Dr. Langdon's office? Stacy was confused. "David, where did Dr. Langdon say he was again? The appointment is in 20 minutes!"

David pointed to the right. "Didn't Dr. Langdon say he was in the medical offices? You're walking towards the hospital."

"Davy, I have never been here before. How do you think I would know where that is?"

"Well Stacy, it would help to look at the signs." David pointed to the signs that were located near the buildings.

"Oh yeah. That would help." Stacy gave David the stroller and got out her cell phone. "Would you mind taking his stroller for a while? I need to call Katie to see how things are going."

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