If only this was real🪓

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" " = Speaking

Bold = Scared or when someone talks about the F̸̏̿̑̃ͅa̶̢̺̮͕̙̞͋̂̈́̓ļ̶̜̼̳͆̓̃́̂͒ͅl̷̛͚̈́͛̇̅̇

— — = extra information

§:   :§  = Battle, dialogue or explaining an object she interacted with


{Welcome to White Space, why don't you come here more often?}


I open my eyes to the seemingly endless white void I have come to be very familiar with. A dark grey trash can, my black axe, and a white and black eggplant plush, I think I named it something very cliché but I don't seem to remember... actually I don't remember a lot of things but whatever I forgot, it probably wasn't worth remembering anyway. Everything is the same as always, well, except the bright Orange sticky note on the floor. This doesn't make sense, everything in White Space is supposed to be neutral colors, heck even Abbirl is in black and white. Abbirl tilts her head, confused, but her face still has the same blank expression she always has plastered on her face.

I decide to ignore the sticky note for now and walks over to my dark colored axe

§: Your axe, you found it.... Not sure how long ago and you don't know how it ended up here but you have started using it as your main weapon, at least it's better than the bat you where using before :§

Pick up your axe?:

Yes: ⬅️


I pick up my axe, then it disappeared into what I have come to call the backpack  —even though it's not a actual backpack, it just kind of happens when I can't carry something around with me all the time. I actually don't know we're they go but when I need them back they just reappear in my hands—

I walk over to the sticky note, my curiosity finally got the better of me, I crouch down to get a better look of what it says. It reads, care to play a game? With a yes and no box's. That's it, no more context then that. She decides to brushes it off, she quickly throws away the note into her trashcan and walks over to the white door that leads to the way more colorful world that is Dream World. 

I (try to) smooth out my black dress then open the door to see, Kel, Hero and Mari sitting on the ground playing some kind of bored game, in front of the tree house. Kel turns his head towards the sound of the door opening.

Kel: About time Abbirl, you were in there, like, forever!

Mari: I win!

Kel: That's not fair, I would have won if Abbirl hadn't distracted me!

Mari: But Kel —Mari laughs a bit— you have the most Cardboard croissants in your bottle

I walk over to the three of them, and I'm trying with all my might not to punch Kel in the face

Kel: Well yes, but! I was about to get rid of them with my cookie mouses

Hero: Kel please stop, and welcome back Abbirl

Kel: Fineeeeeeeeeee, but anyway, care to play a game? Abbirl?

Abbirl (Omori au)Where stories live. Discover now