Time for the Beach! 🪓

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" " = Speaking

Bold = Scared or when someone talks about the F̸̏̿̑̃ͅa̶̢̺̮͕̙̞͋̂̈́̓ļ̶̜̼̳͆̓̃́̂͒ͅl̷̛͚̈́͛̇̅̇

- - and ( ) = extra information

§: :§ = Battle, dialogue or explaining an object she interacted with

/ \ = POV in the middle of a conversation



We play a few more rounds of the bored game -and Kel losing every single time-, then we all decide to go to the playground to meet up with Sunny and Basil.

§: we all go through the small door on the back of the treehouse but:§

Kel: Help I'm stuck!

§: Kel gets stuck, kind of annoying inconvenience but whatever, we reached the playground regardless :§

Kel: Sunny! Basil!

Basil: Oh hey guys! Please be quiet, Sunny fell asleep on my shoulder when I was reading to him, he must have over worked himself playing the violin again

Mari: like I always say, practice makes perfect after all!

Basil: Yea, I guess

Basil pauses for a moment looking back at Sunny then back at us and does a nervous smile and uh little nervous laugh, or maybe I read Basil's facial expression wrong, because no one else seemed to notice, but one thing I know for sure, is that wasn't a real, genuine smile.

Kel: Basil! Basil! Basil!

Basil: Yes, Kel?

Kel doses some sort of weird mid running pose, I will never understand Kel, never in a million years, no way

Kel: Take a photo!

Basil: Sorry Kel, but that's a very easy, no.

§: After talking for a bit, Sunny waking up and looking in Basil's photo album we all decide to go to go to the beach :§

Hero: I'm still not sure about this guys

Kel: What do you mean Hero? The beach is tons of fun!

Hero: I agree with you Kel, but, Basil, Sunny and Abbirl can't swim, plus Sunny is scared of drowning and Abbirl is scared of water just in general

Mari: Aww look at you being all responsible, Hero. Mari says in the very flirty tone that she always uses when teasing Hero

Hero: M-Mari, not now. Hero is bright pink, clearly embarrassed by Mari's flirtatious comment.

Mari: And we don't have to go into the water Hero, we can all just have a picnic on the sand like we did last time, but in case any of the three of them want to go in the water, I made sure to bring the Floaties

Hero: Yeah, I guess I'm just being paranoid

Kel: Yea Hero! Loosen up a bit §: Kel jabs Hero in the arm :§ this is going to be fun-

Before Kel was able to finish what he was saying, he tripped over something, making him fall face first into the dirt path we are walking on to get to the beach.

Kel: I'm alright!

Sunny: .....Ew...... Sprout Mole...... Sunny says in almost a whisper, that I almost didn't even hear him.

But the Sprout Mole definitely, 100% heard him, because the Sprout Mole launched itself at Sunny immediately after he said that

§: Sunny took 5 damage :§

Hero: Ah! This Sprout Mole looks angry! Whatever you did Sunny, made this Sprout Mole very angry

Sunny:.... I only said the truth, Hero.... Sprout Mole Smell really bad... Sunny says very quietly, he must not be used to talking this much

Hero: Since this Sprout Mole is angry, it's attack is much higher. But on the other hand, it lowers its defense!

/looks like it's the perfect time in that case\

I was about to attack the Sprout Mole but Basil beat me to it, Basil pulled his shears out of his side pocket and stabbed the Sprout Mole straight in its heart (I think) turning the Sprout Mole into toast

Sunny: Thanks Basil! This will make a Great sandwich. Sunny says with a mischievous grin but still quiet regardless

Kel: Wow Sunny, making a sandwich out of the bread of your enemies, brutal

Sunny: thanks Kel

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