Book Store Signing

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Adria's POV

As I walked into the main room of the Burrow Wednesday morning, buttoning my cloak. I heard George and Ron telling their Mum that Harry and I had never traveled by floo powder before. "Floo powder?" I ask curious. As Mr Weasley asked Harry how he got to 'Diagon Alley' last and Harry said through the 'Leaky Cauldron'. "Same" I agree. So Ron and George demonstrated how to use floo powder.

Then it was my turn, I took some powder from the flower pot in Mrs Weasley's hands. And stepped into the fire place. "Diagon Alley" I say clearly and dropped the powder. Green flames surrounded me, I felt not pain just warm air around me as I flew through the network. George stopped me from falling flat on my face at the other end, as I stumbled out of the other fireplace. I thanked him and dusted myself off as we waited for the others to arrive.

Once the other Weasleys arrived they told us that Harry hadn't said 'Diagon Alley' clearly enough and that he came out of the wrong fireplace. As we went to the bank Hagrid showed up with Harry in tow covered in soot. I repaired his glasses using the same spell my sister had taught me. While Mrs Weasley dusted him off a little more. "Definitely need to remember that one" Harry told me, after he said 'thank you'.

When we got to the bank I spotted me family trying to exchange muggle money was wizarding money. I sighed and walked over to them and gave the goblin my key to the muggle-born vault for Hogwarts students. Hermione copied me and we family followed the goblin to the tracks to get our money. Our parents were impressed by the set up. The goblin said they could make their own vault and exchange money that way in future. Our parents agreed.

When we were done we meet the Weasley's and Harry at the bank entrance. We decided to split up and meet at the book store after we were done getting the rest of the stuff on our supply lists. I needed some more owl treats. I also restocked my potion ingredients and go some more writing equipment.

As we got to the bookstore we were surprised by how busy it was. Turned out there was a famous wizard signing autographs, promoting his new book. I didn't understand why all the girls, including Hermione were sowing over him. I lead the way over to the Weasley family, before going to get books with Hermione. I even got a book on becoming an Animagus. Which I plan on doing next year.

When we returned to our parents, Mr Weasley was questioning them about what they did for a living, muggle money and the muggle world in general. Harry getting a photo taken with the author. Who announced he'd be our new defense teacher. I sighed as Hermione and I paid for our books. We then followed the other children (Harry, Ginny, George, Fred and Ron) to the door. After Harry gave his free books to Ginny, saying he'd buy his own. Which he did.

Suddenly Draco appeared, this day couldn't get any worse I thought as he talked to Harry. But I was wrong, because his father Lucius Malfoy appeared behind his son telling him to play nicely. I didn't like him as he talked to Harry about his scar and Voldemort. Both Hermione and I said at the same time "fear of a name, only increases fear of the thing itself".

"And you must be the Grangers" Mr Malfoy looking at his son, who nodded. "Yes, Draco told me all about your parents, muggles aren't they?" he asked us. After looking over to our parents who were still speaking to Mr Weasley.

"You don't talk about my family in that tone. Now move out of the way so that we can leave" I tell him. My voice full of confidence as Mr Weasley appeared. After he and Mr Malfoy had talked, I disliked Mr Malfoy even more.

We went to the ice-cream shop across the street to wait for Mrs Weasley. She was getting the wizard Gilderoy Lockhart's autograph. When she returned, I said goodbye to Harry and the Weasleys. Before heading to the Leaky Cauldron with my family. Along the way I saw Draco and his looking our way, with a blone tall woman next to them. Probably Draco's mum I thought as she turned away from them and followed my family to the pub. We went to Muggle London and dad drove us all home.


Gif above of Gilderoy and picture on the external link of Mr Malfoy.

Adria Heidi Granger: Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now