Back from the dead

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M/N's POV:Sighing as I once again saw the ghost of my ex husband I hit my head on the wall. "Babe you okay?" I turned slightly to see that Wilbur my lovely boyfriend future fiancé was looking at me worried. "Of course mi amor,just saw Jshlatt" "damn he won't leave you alone?" "Nope and I hate it" I sat in his lap hiding my face in his shirt just so I could take his scent in to calm down completely. Just knowing that the love of my life is actually here calms me down. I could feel him rubbing my back while hearing him text someone which didn't worry me. Until... "DREAM DID WHAT!?" It scared me so I quickly flew up out of instincts. "I'm so sorry babe! BUT DREAM REVIVED JSHLATT!!" "THAT MOTHER FUCKER! WAIT HE KNOWS WHERE I AM FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!" I was scared,nervous,and worried the man who made me hate marriage is back to life.

Wilbur knew this and was trying to calm me down but it wouldn't work. I'm guessing it was public as everyone was freaking the fuck out. I was having a panic attack until I heard someone walk in which my eyes immediately snapped to. "You..."

"Hello dove~"

That smile. THAT SMUG SMILE! I shock in fear as I saw my ex husband Jshlatt in the same area not as a ghost but human wilbur was glaring at him while Jshlatt was smiling sinisterly,the smile I alway hated. I can't believe I married him. "Now my dove,why is HE here?" I shivered at the venom in his voice I got flashbacks from the past. I knew he meant Wilbur but before I could answer Wilbur jumped in. "Because I am HIS boyfriend,HIS future fiancé. What are YOU doing here!?" I heard the anger in Wilbur's voice which worried me. Wait...TUBBO AND KRIS(A/N:oc for the plot)! THEY DON'T KNOW THEIR DAD IS BACK! I needed to go see them but I would have to pass Jshlatt.

Taking a deep breath in the out I started to make a plan on how to leave. Jshlatt and Wilbur were arguing in each other's face so I just quietly walked around them and as soon as I was able to leave the casino I flew fast ass hell sending a text to Wilbur. 'Kids!' He'll understand...I hope...

Wilbur's POV:hearing a familiar buzz from my commutator I checked it seeing what it said. 'Kids!' I was confused until it hit me,Tubbo and Kris! I knew M/N loved them as his own kids but I didn't know that he'd care so much to tell them that their dads back himself. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!?" Jshlatt snatched my commutator which I tried to get back but I only did to realize he already read it. "Kids!? YOU TWO HAVE KIDS!?" I didn't want Tubbo and Kris in danger so I knew I had to twist the truth. Smiling wildly I crossed my arms. "Of course~ we have kids~ two no THREE in fact~ they all look like me and him~ they have my eyes,his hair,his wings,and me and his DNA~" (A/N:To much info Wilbur,tmi...I mean is it TMI if it's a lie?)

I saw him getting more pissed which I smiled even more wildly at. He soon punched me but I just laughed as I knew I'll finally fight the bastard that hurt MY ANGEL! "LETS TANGO BITCH!" I soon threw my own punch knowing it'll help M/N have enough time to tell Tubbo and Kris

"OÍ! BACK OFF MY HUSBAND!"Where stories live. Discover now