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I followed Mathilda to the room where the members are. I breathe deeply, being nervous as Mathilda opens the door to see a long table with 4 other people sitting on their chairs, chatting with each other. Mathilda cleared her throat,catching the attention of the people.

"Guys, I'd like to officially introduce you to our newest and first ever healer, Ellena"

"Ellena Frieah. You guys can call me Elle"

"Take a seat Elle" Mathilda then pulled a chair for me which I accepted and thanked her for. Mathilda then went to sit next to the intimidating lady with straight long hair.

"Hey Elle, welcome to the team! I'm Danielle. Danielle Samara, but you can call me Dani." The girl with orange hair next to me introduced herself.

"That over there is Mika" Dani pointed at the intimidating girl next to Mathilda, "That's Timeus" She pointed at the quiet boy writing something on his notebook, "And thats–"

"Lawrence. Lawrence Abarough. Your handsome savior" Lawrence interrupted Dani.

I awkwardly nodded at him and looked away. The room was then covered with awkward silence, thankfully Dani laughed to break the awkward silence. "She left you hanging, bitch!" she pointed at lawrence.

"Shut up! No she didn't!" Lawrence fought back. The two then started bickering.

"So, Elle, where do you live?" Mika asked me, completely unfazed by Dani and Lawrence's bickering

"I live in the Athearith Empire, near the Silviac border" I answered. Dani and Lawrence then became quiet

"Athearith huh? How's the people there going?"

"Well.." I trailed off "The people who live in the inner territory of Atherith.. Let's just say they're not doing well." I informed them. Everyone was now focused on what I was saying which was making me nervous.

"Deaths in the inner territory of the empire due to starvation skyrocketed. Many average families have now become homeless. Food and clothing prices are so high"

"Is that why you live near the Silavic border?" asked Mathilda. I nodded.

"I took a job as a waitress in a Silavic restaurant. Half of my salary covers my rent on the apartment, not including electricity and water bills. Oh– and food."

"Why don't you just move in Silavic?"

"If it's easy, then I would've done that a long time ago. I only have a working permit, immigrating in Silavic would take years for it to be approved"

"Agree" Mika said. "It's a nightmare"

"Is the empress really gonna do nothing about this? People are starving and dying yet they can't leave the empire" Dani joined it.

"The empress is heartless, all she wants is money and power and that's that" After Mathilda said that, the room became quiet again.

"How about.. Princess Griselda and Giselle? Any thoughts on them?" I asked, Timeus' eyes then left the book he was reading and looked at Mathilda, it was more like a death stare. Mathilda noticed this, her mouth then opened, indicating that she was about to speak.

"They're great" Mika spoke first before Mathilda did. Mathilda then closed her mouth and just nodded.

"Hey, Tim. I forgot some important papers left in your room, mind getting them for me?" Lawrence then butted in. Timeus then looked at him, confused, "Why not get them yourself?"

"Forgot your number pin" Lawrence shrugged. Timeus groaned and rolled his eyes as he stood up, murmuring something about Lawrence just going in his room just hours before.

"Anyways, we have mixed feelings about the princesses." Dani spoke up


"We can't exactly say that we don't like them for what they've done, considering that we also killed some people while doing our missions. But unlike us, they've killed 1500 people in just one night which is a shit ton of people. It's very complicated." Mathilda explained.

Before I could speak up, the door suddenly burst open revealing a panting Timeus, "Red alarms" He said.

Everyone then suddenly became alarmed, Dani then didn't hesitate to run out of the room who was followed by Lawrence and Mathilda. "Wanna see something cool Elle?" Asked Mika, I nodded. She then stood up and started walking outside. I followed her.

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