7. Time Travel Arc

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"Anyways, we found out Nana traveled here too, I don't even know how she got her own time machine." -Sahana

"So what do we do?" -Andrea

"We put an end to all of this." -Sahana

"We kill her."


"Sure, I'm down." -Andrea

"..kill her? No, we can't do that. Are you crazy?" -Amy

"Nana is crazy actually." -Andrea

"Well.. that's murder!" -Amy

"Then we won't kill her." -Sahana

"What?" -Andrea

"We will just erase her existence." -Sahana

"..what are you taking about?" -Amy

"We will find her information and see where and from who she was allegedly born, then we'll travel back in time before she was born and just kill her mother, if we can't find the mother we'll just burn down the village she was born in." -Sahana

"That is still murder." -Amy

"Oh shut up Amy. This is the real world, okay? Suck it up. Nana has done many horrible things throughout her life and if we erase her existence by doing something bad we'd save a lot of people and that would cover our sin, and I am afraid she has plans to do more horrible things in here." -Sahana

"It would simply be the best thing to do." -Sahana

".." -Amy

"Her existence is mysterious, we don't know who she really is or how she's just.. here. I mean I definitely want to kill her but like, we don't even know her last name." -Andrea

"We convince the government to let us see the ID files." -Sahana

"What, I thought we had permission to do that already?" -Andrea

"We don't, actually." -Sahana

"Okay.. let's go then, prime minister of Snezhalm, we're coming to threaten you!" -Andrea

"Not threaten, we'll just convince her in a not violent way." -Sahana

"Amy, has she told you anything about herself?" -Sahana

"No actually." -Amy

"Alright then, we'll have to figure this out ourselves." -Sahana

"So, are you in?" -Sahana

"I'm in, but you're responsible for everything." -Amy

"Wow, it was that easy?" -Andrea

"All righttt!!" -Sahana

"But now that I think of it, asking the prime minister or governance isn't gonna help. They won't give it to us, they might go as far as getting the FBI on us, actually." -Andrea

"Now that I think of it, that's true." -Sahana

"Then, why don't we ask an FBI agent for help? Don't people like you guys have connections with FBI agents?" -Amy

"That's right! I do have a few acquaintances who are agents." -Andrea

"Who?" -Sahana

"Kadaha and Carrie." -Andrea

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