Confrontation + meeting of a snowball

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Izuku was currently screaming his head off in fear, dread, and panic as he was set in front of nine women who had scowls on their faces. And he continued to scream. Until he was promptly slapped in the face by Krata.

 Until he was promptly slapped in the face by Krata

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To which caused Isabel to panic.

Isabelle: Krata what the fuck?! You know you could have killed him with that! *checks on Izuku*

Krata: do not patronize me Isabelle.

Isabelle was looking at the the spot.

Isabelle: Izuku you ok?! Anything broken?!

Izuku: I'm f-fine Isabelle.

She then hugs the green haired cinnamon roll as he blushed because he was thrown into her chest.

Isabelle: (sigh) what a relief... (grabs shirt collar) Now WHAT'S THIS  I HEAR ABOUT YOU ALMOST GETTING YOURSELF KILLED!!!

And now Izuku was back in panic mode.

Izuku: U-U-Uh m-maybe we s-should calm down.

Guts: Not until you start talking.

Spawn: *readies chains* You wouldn't want to make our favorite game painful do you?

Izuku trembled in fear with a slight blush on his face.

Krata: Now Izuku... start explaining...

Izuku: J-Just calm down real quick. The reason is beca-

Izuku was interrupted how ever by Iida grabbing him and leading away from the group. He then skid to a stop making sure he held Izuku to him.


The group of nine was suddenly ambushed by the students and heroes. Sero was launched into the air.


Suddenly he released multiple pieces of tape that wrapped around their arms but also attached to each others along with locking them to the ground. This was a new move he was working incase he needed to capture multiple villains at once. But it did require precise aim and a bunch of tape. Now the close range fighters went in to attack with Kirishima and Tetsutetsu being first.

Kirishima: RED GUN TURRET!!!


Kirishima threw his attack at Krata while Tetsutetsu went for Isabel. All hell broke loose after that as the close range fighters went in. Izuku however wasn't liking this as he tried to stop them.

Izuku: Guys no stop!

Iida: Midoriya you must not intervene, we can stop them from hurting you!!

Izuku: and I'm trying to stop them from killing all of you after this stunt you pulled!!

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