To the victor, the spoils

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The standing combatant had rained victory. As she stood into the center of the destroyed arena with the other six surrounding her, knocked out. The stands were silent at the site. Until the students roared in excitement at the sheer display.

Mic: KRATA WINS!!!!!

The Goddess of War didn't show it but she basked in her victory. She closed her eyes as she spread her arms out. She then breathed in and out deeply. Krata opened her eyes, dropped her arms, and made eye contact with Izuku in the stands. That's when she remembered the prize for victory and smirked.

 That's when she remembered the prize for victory and smirked

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Everyone had cleared out and the arena was fixed. Along with the other six women being not too happy at the fact that they lost first place. So they had to settle the other spots. The order would go like this.

1. Krata
2. Isabelle
3. Fury
4. Alisha
5. Sukuna
6. Guts
7. Jolene
8. Mileena
9. Loona

Right now everyone was back at the dorms and Krata had Izuku close with his head stuffed into her boobs as she had a list filled look.

Krata: Looks like I'll be claiming you first. The many things I can do to you when we're alone.

Izuku (muffled): That's what scares me...

Krata couldn't help but tempt his shy personality, however someone was a little jealous at not getting any attention from her Mama's and Papa.

Eri: mmm... Mama, Papa! Don't forget me. I'm going with you.

 I'm going with you

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