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The realm of Midgard. Very much similar to earth. Izuku, Krata, and Eri had arrived to spend time as family. Eri stared on in wonder as she was set down and took in the sight of the woodland area. She walked forward but stopped as soon as she heard a crunch. She looked to see her boots didn't step on anything except for the snow covered ground. She stepped again, the same crunch. Eri couldn't help but squeal in excitement at the sight of snow. The white haired girl ran around in the snow, having as much fun as possible. Izuku and Krata laughed at her joyful nature as the goddess hugged his arm and laid her head on top of his.

Krata: She's too precious...

Izuku: That she is. Come on, let's go join her.

Krata giggled as they had fun. Having a bit of a snowball fight, Seeing the many animals of the land, and helping her build a snowman. They continued walking into the forest as they reached a rather large wood cabin.

 They continued walking into the forest as they reached a rather large wood cabin

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They made it to the front and opened the door.

Eri: Wow...

Izuku: You're liking this this a lot, uh Eri?

Eri: Uh huh. It's like camping.

???: Well it's about time ya showed up Sister, Little Brother. And who's the we lass?

Eri looked to see who was talking but instantly became scared and hid behind her parents at the sight of a talking head on a table

Eri looked to see who was talking but instantly became scared and hid behind her parents at the sight of a talking head on a table

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Izuku: Sorry Mimir. She's never seen someone only as a head and still talk.

Mimir: Nah I've had worse reactions than that. Like the time Sigrun was in one of her moods, nearly choked the life out of me. But by Valhalla I loved that woman.

Krata: It's alright Eri, he's a friend.

Eri slightly peaks out to see the head. She walked closer only because Krata did.

Mimir: My, aren't you a we one? I'm sure Krata will change that at some point with her attitude.

Krata: I can throw you outside again.

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