Chapter 11: Beware Dear Icarus

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Over the course of the next few days Layla never missed the bus no matter how late she was. And she somehow always got an empty seat. She took it as an absurd shot of luck.

Layla walked to the footpath, with a light skip in her step. She had specially worn shoes today so that she wouldn’t slip on the marble floor but as she reached it the smile on her face faded.

There was a crowd around it once again. What happened? Had they finally come to their senses and taken down the tiles?

But as she went even nearer she realized that she couldn’t be more wrong.

The government had really went mad!


There was a carpet on the quarter mile long marbled pavement. What in the world??

“It’s the softest thing I’ve ever touched!” A spectator marveled.

Sewn with delicate designs of flowers, the Persian carpet was definitely handcrafted. It was the most beautiful thing Layla had ever seen. Why was it draped over a marbled pavement on the road?

It was as if someone had seen her fall and slip on it those countless times and so adorned the slippery surface with this plush luxury carpet.

“This must be angel’s work.” People were remarking.

“Its like a miracle.” Others agreed.
While Layla was in utter disbelief. What in the world was going on?

She couldn’t bring herself to step on it. It was far too perfect to stain. She decided to walk on the road instead.

From afar in a white cruiser, a pair of crystal blue eyes watched her curiously. In the driver seat sat the ever so stoic and proper Pasha while Qais, donned in his expensive suit with his tie pulled loose looked like a spoilt lord in all his regality. His inky black hair was pushed back revealing his striking blue eyes that were locked on the girl in pastel shawl.

His brows furrowed seeing her walk on the road instead. What??

Why was she walking on the hard road instead of the carpet?

Did she not like it?

He particularly ordered for the most lush and beautiful one. Did the sellers fool him?

He looked like it was the most worrying matter he had ever faced. Finally he came up with a solution.

His eyes narrowed in thought. “Pasha..”

“We can’t carpet the road sir.” Pasha retorted before he could even finish.
Qais looked at him angrily. “Why not?”

Pasha sighed deeply. He had driven them crazy the past few days. He had them shift all the stray dogs from the neighborhood and it’s vicinity because she was scared of them. And then the pavement fixed and tiled in the middle of the night. He had also changed  the afternoon bus route so it would drop Layla first on her way home so she wouldn’t have to get tired waiting.

But then when he had seen her trip and stumble on the marble floor, he had laughed first, of course, because according to him it was adorable. But then he had felt bad thinking of her pain. And so he had his men carpet the entire pavement. In addition to all this he had placed two disguised guards to follow her at all time with alternative shifts so she would never get harassed in the street or face trouble in the bus. It was safe to say Qais was absolutely smitten with her.

Pasha wouldn't bat an eyes if Qais had him kill someone. But civil roadwork is where he drew the line.

“It’s impractical to carpet the entire road, sir. There’s cars that go on the road.” Pasha couldn’t believe he was explaining this.

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