chapter 28

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(Cami) after a couple of hours in the emergency room, the doctors finally emerged from the E.R and gave us an update about Alex's condition

*doctor* thankfully the accident didn't have any severe damages to his internal organs but he suffered a concussion which probe him to be on a coma state at the moment but rest assured he is good condition at the moment.

(Cami) I felt relief on what the doctor told us...thank god he is okay...the doctors advised us to get some rest for a bit, Eliza stayed with me outside the E.R while lance went to my apartment to get me some comfortable clothes to wear.

I could still feel the shock after what has happened a while ago...I thought it was the last time I would see him

*Eliza* it's going to be okay Ms. Cami I'm sure of it

*cami* *hugs her* I thought I was going to lose him that moment

*Eliza* thankfully he's okay now...don't worry we will get to the bottom of this

*cami* thanks

(Cami) a few moments later, someone came rushing towards us...Eliza recognized who it was

*Eliza* uncle!

Maybe Eliza called his uncle about what happened to him, Eliza told him everything that has happened

*uncle* thankfully it didn't injure him that bad so you guys shouldn't worry a thing.

*Eliza* oh I forgot...this is-

*uncle* no...I know who she is

*Eliza* what?

*uncle* your cami correct? You're that girl he left back in high school

*cami* *bows her head down* y-yes yes I am

*uncle* I've been meaning to talk with you for a long time now...but I think it's the right time that we talk face to face.

(Cami) he told me that he wanted to talk with me about I followed him to the cafeteria and sat down and drank coffee, I could feel the nervousness down to my spine

*uncle* don't worry I won't blame you or anything about what has happened right now with was a mere hit and run incident so I understand that.

*cami* he told me to go outside for him

*uncle* sounds reasonable...what I do want to know about is...your relationship with Alex...I know who you are and your relationship with him in high school

*cami* y-yeah...we we're close friends when we we're in japan, after seeing each other again we started dating once again up until now

*uncle* that's why I wanted to talk with you about it...why I had to bring him back home

*cami* oh ok

*uncle* during those time, there we're a lot of uncertainty within our family, after his grandfather died, all his inheritance would go to him, all of our relatives wanted a piece of that inheritance, I was guilty of getting that money as well, and I know that he was still a naïve kid and was afraid that he would do the same mistake his father did when he was young as well.

*cami* what did his father do?

*uncle* he married a young girl at the very young age, and had him...this angered his grandfather so severely that he disowned him...I wanted him to be more responsible and be crucial in all the decisions he makes in his life from now on

*cami* and one way to do that was....

*uncle* I knew that at some point he would have a liking of someone as well...but he was still a naïve kid and he would be blinded in love as I made the decision on my own to bring him back...I even threaten him being cut from the inheritance...but that only made everything worse.

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