ELEVEN || A Lifetime

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"What time is this one over?" Hobi asks tossing a French fry into his open mouth.

"I don't know," I mumble. "Midnight or so. I'll be quieter when I come in this time."

"I don't understand why you sound like a herd of buffalo when you come into the apartment, Jungkook. I mean, you're not that big of a guy and yet you sound like you're trying to tear down the building."

I sniff with my head hung. Staring sadly into my basket of fries, I shuffle a few around.

"Sorry." I grab my drink and take a sip. My eyes can't help drifting over to the dark screen of my silent cellphone resting on the table in front of me.

Hobi heavily sighs, leaning back in his bench seat. "Still no answer?"

I shake my head from side to side. "As of this morning, the number is no longer in service."

"Wow," he says. "So what now?"

"I don't know. I guess she's really done with me."

"I figured it was coming. You've called this mystery woman two or three times everyday for a year now."

"I thought that maybe just once she would pick up. I thought that what was between us was strong enough to weather anything."

He leans forward drawing my attention to his inquisitive expression. "Now will you let me in on her secret identity?"

I sniff. "Saying her name hurts too much."

"Shoot me a text then."

I glare at Hobi.

He leans back in his seat. "What was the real reason you didn't bang her?"

"..Hobi.." I groan.

"Seriously, Jungkook! There's got to be some legit reason you refused to have sex with this woman you claimed to be so in love with other than.." -he uses air quotes- "..'we are waiting until we are married'."

I narrow my eyes at him. "Waiting for marriage is a legit reason to not have sex, Hoseok, you man-whore."

He sneers as he grabs another fry using it as a pointer to emphasize his words. "I'm no man-whore, Jungkook. I don't go out and fuck anything that moves because that is disgusting. I just enjoy the company of women when the mood is right."

I suck my teeth and roll my eyes. "Whatever."

"What were you going to say if she ever picked up? I mean you already apologized to an embarrassing degree, so what then? You finally going to give her some of the dick you used to fuck her friend?"

My stomach turns at Hobi's words. I am so disappointed in myself for allowing Harrison Ashlie to affect my mind to the point I let down my guard at the wrong time.

It was Bexley under me that night. Not Evie.

My darling, beautiful Evie was not under me welcoming me into her body. Instead, she was the one who opened the door to find me on top of her friend Bexley.

Evie called my name in horror of what she witnessed. I mistakenly thought her voice was closer than it actually was.

I don't remember finishing. I'm not even sure I did before I passed out in my dress clothes.

When I woke the next morning, I had one hell of a headache. Evie never came to bed and I had no clue why.

I found her in the living room still in her dress from the night before with her mascara in dark streaks down her face. She told me I needed to leave; she couldn't bear to look at me knowing that I held her off for so many years only to sleep with Bexley in our bed after knowing the girl for just under a year.

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