TWENTY-ONE || Pettiness

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Jimin yawns again, deeper this time which causes his eyes to water. Dabbing the corners with the knuckle of his right hand's index finger, he sniffs as he struggles to keep his lids open.

"Is she even here yet?" He asks through another yawn.

"Yes," I quietly reply as I lean forward with my elbows on the table.

I've been pretending to have my eyes on Jimin for nearly thirty minutes, but in actuality my sight has been on the petite brunette near a bookshelf at my right side.

Jimin and I arrived at this bookstore/ café over forty-five minutes ago so as not to look quite as suspicious when the woman named Mia entered ten minutes later. She looks so young and innocent and it is shocking to me that Mr. Kim would pick someone like her.

I've seen the women with whom Mr. Kim chooses to fill his spare time. They are all very voluptuous ladies and their auras ooze sex.

Mia Cykei is nothing like those other women. Her aura glows with intelligence and worth of self. As she skims book after book, she remains oblivious or pretending to not notice the way men ogle her small frame.

I've never had to find a way to introduce myself to any woman nor have I ever wanted to do such. I have my Evie and she is plenty for me so my mind is having a time trying to figure out a way to 'accidentally' bump into Mia.

"I'm getting hungry," Jimin says just as I notice Mia get in line to checkout.

"Great. Let's go." I grab Jimin by his shirt sleeve and drag him towards the front of the café.

Jimin stumbles but regains his footing just in time for us to sneakily hide against a wall opposite the register. The fates smile upon me as I am able to hear Mia's order and the words that become my way in:

"..and no ham, please. I'm a vegetarian."

Mia walks away; I smile to myself as I rest my head against the wall and close my eyes. Jimin can be angry with me later.

"Jungkook? Are you okay?" Jimin asks from his spot against the wall beside me.

Opening my eyes, I smile almost deviously at my completely clueless friend. Time to kill two birds with one stone.

"Come on." Again, I drag Jimin behind me. This time we head for the order pick-up line.

"You don't have to keep pulling me around!" He softly yells.

"Sorry. My brain has thoughts and I can't think of anything else or I'll lose them."

Jimin scrunches his face in confusion. "What?"

"Just.. go with it."

He still looks confused, but shakes his head deciding it's not worth the mental struggle to figure it out. Unbeknownst to Jimin, the two of us stand and wait for Mia's order as my plan continues to piece itself together in my head.

"Cornell bowl, no ham!" The girl behind the counter calls. Her voice lowers the last part of the order when she sees me reach for the tray.

"Thank you so much." I offer a kind smile.

Her naturally rosy cheeks deepen in color. She giggles, backing away without a word.

I turn to Jimin with the tray in hand. "Here. Eat this."

Jimin looks down at the meal then back up to me. His eyes say he wants to devour it, but he is hesitant.

"You didn't order anything. Are you stealing someone else's food?" He asks.

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