FOURTEEN || Means To An End

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"Who in the fuck is she, Jungkook? Huh?" Taya screams as she stomps across my apartment behind me.

I don't pause my steps, rushing (but not being obvious about it) to grab Taya's coat and purse by the front door to hurry her along her way.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Taya," I calmly reply.

Secretly, I'm panicking on the inside.

Taya's visits used to come with advance notice even though they were always on the same days of the week at nearly the same time every evening. Over the last few months, she has randomly decided to "drop by" at any given point on any random day.

When Evie and I reunited, we refused to be without one another that entire night. We couldn't go back to her brand-new, luxurious penthouse as she had assistants and staff endlessly coming or going.

Returning to the apartment I shared with Hobi was out of the question. Evie informed me that anyone who could be privy to her personal affairs must sign a non-disclosure agreement, and I know that a piece of paper isn't enough to keep my best friend's mouth shut.

Evie and I spent the night wrapped in each other's arms on the carpeted floor of Hobi's new yet still unfurnished apartment. The willpower that flowed through my veins was mighty as I spent the majority of the night staving off the hardest erection to ever stretch the zipper of my slacks.

I wanted to kiss my sweetheart; the way it felt to simply touch the soft skin of the love of my life was indescribable. I held back from pressing my lips to hers.

My body now sullied by not one but two other women, it felt wrong to endulge in my deepest desires with Evie. Each multi-week sex visit with Taya continually made me feel less and less like I deserved any more than to be a means to an end.

Evie asked me to kiss her, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. After laying my lips to her forehead and with a break in my voice, I could only reply with a somber "Someday".

A lawyer paid me a visit the following day waking me out of the most restful sleep I'd had since I last held my darling years before. He purposely waited for Hobi to leave for work before ringing the doorbell.

I signed the multi-sheet NDA he presented to me. I had no issue with keeping my and Evie's private time between the two of us.

I found an apartment the following week that was in my price range and I expeditiously moved my few belongings into it that same day. Then, I waited for Evie to call.

Even as an adult, Evie was still sneaking away from those responsible for her well-being. Our following morning wake up call was the panicked voice of her assistant when she failed to find her boss sleeping in her penthouse in her own bed.

Before Evie returned to her celebrity lifestyle, I told my darling about Taya. There was no way I would keep any secrets from Evie. I told her everything that happened from the very first night Taya and I met up until our current situation, and I held my breath preparing myself to lose my Evie yet again.

I vowed to end things with Taya from that exact moment. As long as I had Evie back in my life, I didn't need another woman for anything.

I quit working for Jin and found a job cleaning office spaces. The company I began to work for was contracted by some multi-million dollar business in an upscale building right in the middle of the city.

The four nights of the week I worked just so happened to be the weekends when Taya's visits had been in abundance. Evie was absent due to her hectic schedule bouncing from one event to another.

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